Chapter Eight

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Masky's POV


I had been gripping the steering wheel until my knuckles had gone white. I knew someone was following us- one of the other creepypastas, for sure. I just couldn't tell... who. Was it Slenderman? The way she- Charlotte- had been reacting would make sense then. But that could have been from  my own influence- after all, I was a proxy of Slenderman now, and that came with its own immortality and abilities.

I glanced over to her. She was asleep, and I figured it was better that way. It was better that she didn't see what happened next.

I took a deep breath, and then pressed my foot down on the accelerator, heading right for the upcoming wall of trees, toward an accident that should kill us both.

But it didn't.
The car, along with us, disappeared. We skidded to a stop on the grassy bank of a river, my own shoulders tensed as I peered up at the mansion looming above.

Great. Fucking wonderful. None other than Sexual Offenderman himself was standing outside, looking remarkably bored.
Was he waiting? Did he know what I'd done?

I hesitated, but opened the car door, huffing as I moved around to the passenger's side to pick up Charlotte, slinging her over my shoulder unceremoniously. I shot him a glare as I passed him, even with him eyeing the poor girl with interest.

He bit his lip, as if debating something with himself, and I quickened my pace, trying to avoid the others-

"Wait, wait. Hold up." I could feel myself burning up with rage at just his voice. But then, that was the case for a lot of the creepypastas. I didn't like being here, being forced against my will to do crimes I didn't want to commit, in the number-one hotspot for mythical murderers all over the world.

I forced myself to remain civil, regardless, and slowly turned to face Offenderman.

"What." My tone was flat and unamused. It seemed to get a chuckle out of him.

"Ya pickin' up chicks and ya didn't invite me??" I groaned internally, but externally, I merely stared at him blankly.

"It's for Slenderman." It was half a lie- I'd gotten clearance to do this, but he certainly hadn't asked me to. Regardless, the fib served its purpose. Offenderman backed off carefully, and I'm sure he would have paled if he wasn't white as a sheet already.

"Fuckin'... cockblockin' me all the time. Carry on." He grumbled, letting me pass.

I don't think he realizes I'm not bound to his command.

Regardless, I stepped inside, trying my damn hardest to look like I was on business, rather than doing a favor for a new potential friend. Or, if not friend, at least an ally in this hellhole.

I narrowly dodged a knife thrown at the wall by Jeff, dodged by BEN. I had no time to look, but the Link ripoff had probably been fucking with his save again. They seemed distracted enough, and they were the main sources of trouble around here, anyway.

I figured I should be fine walking up to Karelia's room from wait what the fuck

I immediately halted at the sight of the Rake feasting on some discarded body in the corridor again. Fucking- I keep telling everyone- don't mess up the halls, it makes the demon in control of the mansion hungry- but does anyone listen?

No. Never. I pass him regardless, despite his hopeless snapping at Charlotte's sleeping form.

I knocked three times, then unlocked the door to Karelia's room.


Karelia's POV


I'd been staring up at the ceiling for an hour straight now. Games were nice and all, but what were you meant to do when you got bored of them? Usually I had people to talk to and family to see.

Not this time. I was stuck in here, with no internet connection and, essentially, no hope.

I heard three sharp knocks on the door, startling as I sat up, pulling my blankets up so I could stay warm... and cover up some more, just in case it was him. It wasn't, thankfully.

It was just the guy in the mask and--
And Charlotte.

I perked up, scrambling out of the bed as I ran over to her, moving to take her carefully before he could even say anything. "Is she okay?? Did anything happen??"

She looked fine, but she was passed out as well. Which was never really a good sign.

"She's uh... she's fine." He muttered, pausing. "I think she's just... sensitive to Slenderman." He admitted.

I blinked a few times. "What- what's that supposed to mean?" I had her cradled in my arms, but moved her over to the bed to lay her down.

"Headaches. Fainting. Prone to falling. Visions. Uncontrollable behavior. Eventually... you become a proxy." He listed it so nonchalantly, as if it was a part of his everyday life. I was confused.

"Proxy?" I asked.

"Like me." He replied, but left it at that. I tensed, glancing back to Charlotte and running a hand through her hair as she stirred.

He seemed to think his work here was done, because he moved to leave after that. I grimaced, but accepted it, only thinking of another question just before he left.

"Wait-- when can I come out?"

The man in the mask paused. "I'll ask Slenderman." He assures me in that chilling tone of his, closing the door behind him. I heard the lock click into place, but I didn't spend time dwelling on it. I spun around to look over Charlotte again.

I drew in a hiss of air through my teeth as I tried to nudge her awake. She mumbled incoherently for a moment, soon opening her eyes wide and staring at the ceiling. She didn't seem to register that I was there for a moment, but as soon as I saw her adjust her glasses, and her eyes slipping toward mine...

She let out a shaken sigh of relief, hesitating before wrapping her arms around me tight.

The touch was reassuring after all that had just happened.

"You okay?" She asked me, her tone flat. She seemed emotionally drained.

I nodded, feeling the same way. "... Yeah. I-" I hesitated to tell her what had happened, ultimately deciding to save it for later. "I didn't mean for you to come after me." I mumbled.

"How could I not?" She sounded a bit offended. "You're my eve.... you mean a lot to me."

I offered a shallow smile at her comforting words, letting her lean against me as I combed my fingers through her hair for a moment.

"You're stuck here too now, y'know." I informed her.

Charlotte hesitated.

"Yeah. I don't wanna think about it right now."

The conversation was simple. We both felt too out of it to delve into deeper subjects. All I knew was that I was relieved to see her again.

I laid down next to her, continuing to stare at the ceiling blankly.

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