Chapter 1- Present- Sam's POV

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I stared at the lowering casket, my glasses foggy from the rain that was falling on us. My heart ached with a sense of deep sadness because I had no idea why he was brutally murdered.

He was a good man, a good Alpha, and it sucked that he was taken from this world too soon. He had a son that was coming of age, not old enough to be the Alpha of an entire pack. However, he was going to be needed, just like they might or might not need me.

The whole world seemed to be mourning this great Alpha because it was raining while this was happening. The air around us was filled with sorrow and worry because we had no idea what would be happening now that our Alpha was dead. Sniffles filled the pack, and that was the only sound that could be heard except for the rain hitting the ground around us.

I flinched as the pack patted my back in apology as if the rain had washed away a spell that they were under. I wasn't used to their sympathetic glances, and I couldn't help but hate it. They had been treating me like shit since the day my parents had died, and now they were treating me with kindness, which to me, was really weird.

I watched as they all left, leaving my best friend and me all alone and giving us the peace that we needed and deserved. My heart ached for him when I saw the grave look on his face and tear stains that could be passed as the rain running down his face. However, I knew better. I knew that he was crying.

He looked up when I walked over to him and tried to smile. His bottom lip quivered, but he didn't cry. He didn't want me to see him cry, even though I had seen him cry before and would see him cry again no matter what. He was my best friend, and he needed me just like I needed him.

I didn't try to hug him, knowing that he needed his space, and was surprised when he took my hand in his.

We stayed silent while we watched men cover up the hole until the only thing that was left was a muddy patch. After they were done, they bowed their heads to Tommy before walking away and leaving us standing there all alone.

"Is it a bad time to say happy birthday?" Tommy asked, his voice cracking. He wiped his face, leaving behind a streak of dirt. The new Alpha cleared his throat and licked lips, but he didn't try to repeat because he knew that I had heard it.

I leaned my head on his arm and sighed, my heart breaking because it was a bad time to wish me a 'happy birthday.' I hated that he was killed early this morning on our birthday. I hated the person who had done it and wondered why they had decided to do it today instead of any other day in which it wasn't supposed to be a time of celebration.

"Sam?" he asked, looking down at me. Worry filled his eyes, and I could tell that he didn't like me quiet. "Are you ok?"

I forced a smile on my face, trying to get him not to worry. However, it didn't work because I saw the frown deepening on his face. "It doesn't matter," I said. I was numb with shock and anger, but I couldn't let him know. I knew that this was going to be harder on him than anyone else.

Tommy scowled and narrowed his eyes. He didn't believe me and didn't like that I wasn't telling him "S-"

I shook my head, not giving him an answer as he wanted. I didn't want him to worry about me; I couldn't. It didn't matter how I felt at that moment, losing another father figure in my life when he was suffering. "Please..." I all but whispered, interrupting him.


I shook my head again, interrupting him. I stared at the grave, dry-eyed male, my heart breaking. I had no idea why, but it felt like this was my fault. It was my fault that he was dead like it was my fault that my parents were dead.

Tommy was now the pack Alpha at the age of sixteen. He hadn't shifted yet because, just like me, his birthday was today.

"Happy birthday... Alpha," I said absentmindedly.

Tommy snorted and squeezed my hand. He wiped his eyes, and I could tell that his father was alive so he could become the best Alpha there was. "Happy birthday... Beta."

And with that, we fell into a silence that wouldn't be counted as bliss. This deep weight was placed on our shoulders as we stared at the grave.

The entire pack counted on us to survive, and their whole lives were placed in our hands. They were going to be depending on two almost shifted Wolves for their livelihood, and I couldn't help but feel the pressure of it.

Tommy sighed, breaking the silence. He cleared his throat and wiped his eyes before looking at me. "Come on," he said. He forced a smile on his face, but we both knew that it was fake. "Let's go back to the packhouse and check up on my mom. We don't need you to get sick."

Numbly, I nodded my head and started to walk back towards the packhouse. I stayed silent, clutching Tommy's hand in mine.

I did not know what the future would bring, but I hoped that Tommy would be by my side through it all. I did not know if I would survive without his love and friendship, and I prayed that he would be my mate.

In the end, only time will tell what will happen to us.

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