An Unexpected Situation

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A/N: Um, I just noticed we've hit 4K reads and +200 votes, so thank you all for that. Here's my gift to you, a superrrr long chapter! Please enjoy~! (*''*)

Days passed by swiftly, and soon it was July in a blink of the eye.

Izuku had been living at the Bakugou residence for two weeks, and his relationship with Katsumi became better and better with each day. His work was also going fairly smoothly. By now Itsuki and Olixandra had formed an alliance, and they would play pranks on him every once in a while.

Although Izuku saw through their intentions every time, it was still draining for him to be on guard all the time throughout filming. He was waiting for the right moment to shut them up for good.

Yet something about it felt odd; the Omega couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it felt like there was someone on the production crew who was helping him behind the scenes. There had been a few instances where he almost fell into another one of the troublesome duo's traps, only to receive subtle hints whenever he looked over something.

It was most likely someone who had a strong sense of justice and couldn't stand for Olixandra's tyranny, so he didn't think much of it.

Currently his biggest headache was going to the airport to pick up a certain, annoying Alpha tonight. That bastard had the nerve to call him to death while Izuku was filming on set, flooding his voicemail with irksome reminders.

Oh, Izuku was most definitely looking forward to their reunion...

After work, Izuku returned to the Bakugou residence to pick up his secret weapon. Kacchan was seated on the couch reading a newspaper. He looked up to greet Izuku warmly, as if addressing a significant other. "You're back. A new hotpot place opened nearby, and it doesn't look too bad. Let's go there tonight with Katsumi?"

The greenette was taken aback by his casualness. It was only just over half a month, but before he knew it, he was already used to the straight-forward way he and the Alpha got along. If you told Izuku two weeks ago that he would be on friendly terms with the Bakugou Katsuki, he would stare and laugh at you in disbelief. It really was astounding once he thought about it...

The two of them and little Katsumi, they really did seem to be like a family of three...

Izuku shook his head to get rid of those weird thoughts and answered a bit awkwardly, "Sorry, but I can't go. Tonight I'm going to the airport to pick up someone, and I'll probably be late. If Katsumi wants to eat hotpot, then why don't you take him?"

"He won't leave the house unless you're with him." Kacchan frowned.

"Oh, um..." Izuku hesitated for a moment before suggesting, "Then how about we go together next time?"

The Alpha closed his newspaper and set it down, looking interested. "Picking up a friend?"

"Well, you could say that..." he nodded hesitantly.


"Uh..." Izuku blanked out, staring at the ash blond. Was it just him, or was the Omega overthinking things again? It wasn't that Izuku hadn't noticed that Kacchan's attitude towards him was different, but the Alpha always somehow managed to stop right at the line of friendly concern.

If Izuku overreacted, then it would seem like he was assuming that Kacchan had feelings for him—that might not actually exist. And that would be awkward.

Thus, once Izuku heard this perfectly normal question, he replied nonchalantly, "Alpha, male."

Kacchan's ruby eyes narrowed perceptively. "Are you coming back tonight?"

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