Chapter 2: the truth

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My heart is in pieces. The love of my life, or at least I thought she was, broke up with me today. After two damn years she broke up with me, and what reason did she give ?! " it's not you, it's me" , yeah right.
Everybody knows she dumped me for another guy. I mean why would she want to date a lame band singer instead of the freakin' captain of the rugby team. He's way more good looking than I am, but he's not loyal nor honest like I am and once she realizes that, she'll regret her choice.
I gave her my heart, and she disposed of it like you would an empty crisp packet.

I feel so damn stupid. I just cant believe I fell for her. I can't believe I was so blinded by love that I couldn't see how she was playing me. I'm the fool that fell Inlove.
My mom , she's 8 months pregnant and filled with hormones and unstable emotions. Everybody is so excited about the baby girl.
When I told her about the breakup She told me that it's all going to be "okay" and says that things will get "better" and says that one day I will meet someone who will " love me the way I deserve" but how does she know that? How could she possibly know the events of the future.
I'm going to be lonely for my forever. I see no light at the end of the tunnel.

My dad, when he was in highschool, he was a real ladies man and got practically anything or anyone he wanted. He totally doesn't understand. He says I should man up. He says that there are plenty of fish in the sea. But he doesn't get it , she is the only one I want.
She's the only one I want, but she's the only one I can't have.

For the next few days, my heart felt as if it had disappeared into oblivion. I no longer had the organ that provided my body with sustenance.
My chest suffered extreme pain. I thought it was from heartache. But as it persisted, I began to think otherwise.

During class I couldn't focus, the pain was too much. My consumer studies teacher saw right through my fake smile. She made me tell her what was happening and made an appointment for me to see a doctor.

My parents were so excited about the baby, I just couldn't possibly ruin their happiness with my problems, so I spoke no words of it.

I went to the doctor. After doing tests, they found that what I expected was wrong with me, was actually not. They couldn't find the problem immediately and so did more tests just to make sure everything was okay with me. I went home that day feeling naive. Not knowing what the hell was wrong with me, if anything was.
My parents still have no idea what is happening, and I wasn't going to tell them.

The next day The hospital called to say That there is something seriously wrong with my super weak lungs. YAAYY this is just what I need. A broken heart and broken lungs too

I told my mom. Her hormones took over her body. She became an emotional wreck within 5 seconds. That's flipping record time.

I was taken to another hospital. My worst fear, needles, were plunged into my rather sensitive and pale skin.

By the look on my parents and the doctors faces after hearing the results, I knew it was bad. ...

I'm dying . It's a fact. Nobody wants to say it but it's the truth.
Cancer is a murderer. It has taken the lives of so many damn innocent people in the world and should be sentenced to death.

Soon I will just be another corpse in the ground, feeding the plants around me with my lifeless flesh. My death is inevitable. I accept that.

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