Part 3

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"Why are people here? I don't like visitors, and I told you that specifically, Mr.Hanclease." My accent becomes heavy and butchers the way I talk, so I grab my blade guards, and put them on.
"I'm just trying to support you, Alex. You are a terrific ice skater, and you've done competitions before. Why is company during practice any different?" Mr.H hisses at me, and I glare at him.
"Because practice isn't a competition. It's preperation. I don't want or need distractions during it." I say quite harshly, then walk toward the locker room.
Frustrated, I go out the front doors of the rink while talking to myself and discover an even bigger crowd waiting for me. They all cheer, snap photos, and yell over each other. I stand there helpless while they push forward, boxing me in. My claustriphobia kicks in and my breath quickens. I feel my heartbeat in my ears, the pounding gives me a headache. I feel myself go pale, and rush back inside where the people that were in the seats are gathered, about to leave. They see me and rush over, happy. Just as my throat goes dry and I can't think straight, I turn and run to the locker room. My skin is clammy, and I can't stop shaking. I start jumping around and take off everything but my pants and underwear. I end up staying in the locker room for a long while. After calming down somewhat I put my skates on again, go out to the ice, and start doing some rounds in the rink. The lighter-than-air feeling as I glide comforts me as I practice my sit spins and biellmanns, then attempt quadruple axels. Every time I fall I get back up and try again. I do this for hours, and decide to go home after dark.
Creaking open the door to my two bedroom penthouse I notice that the cleaners were here today. They didn't have much to clean, though. I'm not a messy person, and like to keep things spick and span.
After putting my shoes next to the door and making a healthy snack of vegetables and sausage, I sit in the living space and do my homework while listening to a few piano pieces that Mr.Hanclease recommended I skate to. I hum along when I listen again, then hear someone knocking at the door. I look at my watch.
"Strange time for a visit." But I go to answer the door anyway, tidying myself up a bit as I walk.
"Hi. I'm your neighbor, my name is Quincy. Or Quinn for short." A cheery girl with dark curly hair and chocolate skin greets me. She's holding a small basket full of little trinkets and fruit.
"Hello. Why do you visit so late?" I ask, feeling the need to primp myself.
"Well, I saw you get into the elevator and thought 'oh, he must be the new resident' because I've never seen you around before and I thought you'd still be awake, after all you got here just a half hour ago I think. You must stay out pretty late at night, huh. It's almost eleven o'clock." She babbles.
"You are quite the talker." My tone displays more annoyance than I'd tried to show, but Quinn didn't notice or seem to care. Even if she had, I wouldn't at all mind being rid of her.
"Oh, yeah. I get that a lot. Haha. I can't help it, there's just so much to talk about. Also, how old are you? You look pretty young. Are you a sophomore?" She looks curiously at me, raising an eyebrow.
"No. I'm a junior transfer student at Baydon Grant. I'm from Russia, and the rest is none of your business. Now, if you please excuse me I have homework to do and warm tea to drink. Goodnight." I slowly begin shutting the door.
"We go to the same school, and I'm a Sophomore. Now take my welcome basket! Please!" Quincy insists, so I grab it and shut the door with a last "Dosvidaniya." before she asks for my name.
I sit in the living room after putting the basket on the kitchen counter, and turn the music back on as I continue my homework. Well after midnight I grow tired and go upstairs to my bedroom. Eventually my eyelids grow heavy and I drift to sleep. Unfortunately I had strange dreams that woke me during the night.

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