chapter seven

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*5 days later*

Sonic glanced up to the sun, and let his eyes fall closed. He embraced the heat and let himself stretch out on the roof he was laying on. Tails could be heard tinkering below as well as the radio in their kitchen playing the hits, Sonic always appreciated days like these; quiet and peaceful. Zale came across his mind, the Uncle he had only found out about five days prior. Since they had met Sonic had instinctively felt comforted by having another hedgehog around. Not that Amy or Shadow didn't count, they just didn't have the family appeal that Zale did. His Uncle had told him many things about
his family. Small tales of Aleena, Chuck and himself causing chaos around the castle growing up. Sonic couldn't help but think that could of been him and his siblings, had Robotnik not started a war.

Sonic's ears flickered, the radio suddenly going static catching his attention. Tails' sneakers could be heard rushing up the basement stairs towards the kitchen. Sonic quickly moved, jumped down from the roof and ran into the kitchen as well. Tails was fiddling with the radio as he entered, the screeches of the radio hurting both of their ears. Finally Tails found a clear broadcast.

"Attention! Eggman is attacking Station Square, please help! There's a giant robot!" A male's voice shouted over the speakers. "If anyone can hear this, call Sonic!" The radio cut off.

Blue and Emerald eyes met, before fox and hedgehog ran to the plane outside.


Sonic held tightly onto the wing of the Tornado, letting his eyes roam the city below. Crashes could be heard as they got closer to the scene of attack. Eggman's hearty laugh could be heard from everywhere.

Another bang came out of no where, Eggman wailed. "YOU!" Sonic could see Amy bashing the foot of the fourteen-foot robot. "Egg-Crusher! Squat that little pest!"

Sonic quickly leaped off the plane. Amy yelled out in terror as the foot of the robot ascended towards her. The foot collided with the ground, dust poofing around the metal parts. Eggman laughed evilly. "That was almost too easy!"

A whistle caught the fat mans attention. "Yoo Hoo! Egghead! You missed us!" Eggman's ears billowed smoke as he turned towards the sound of his enemy's voice. Upon a tall building stood Sonic and Amy, smirks on their faces. "You gotta be faster than that Eggbreath!" Sonic laughed.

"OOOOOH!" Eggman roared, slamming his fatty gloved hands onto the dash of his Egg-Carrier. His face turned blood red. "Egg-Crusher! GET THAT HEDGEHOG!!!!!!!"

Egg-Crusher's arm aimed towards the building, but yet again Sonic was too fast. Holding tight to Amy he leapt off the building and ran down the side of it. Amy threw her hammer at the metal arm, knocking it away from the building. From above Tails' shot lasers towards the bot, managing to knock one of them off. The second arm quickly swung towards the plane causing Tails to go off course. Sonic's brow creased in worry.

Sonic spun into a dash and aimed towards the bot's chest, but instantly got reflected by the bots arm. He smacked into the road hard, slid and knocked his head off the broken metal arm of the robot. He could head Amy roar from wherever she was and heard her hammer collide with metal. But he couldn't tell where, the hit on his head caused his sight to go blurry and his ears to start ringing. He let his hand fall behind his ear, feeling hot blood soak into his glove. "Bummer Mejores, what a knock to the noggin..." Sonic breathed.

He leaned all his weight onto the metal to try and get up, but instantly fell to the ground. "Oh man, I haven't smacked my head this hard since Sonia tried to teach me table manners." Sonic groaned.

A shadow passed above him, he could tell it was the robots foot. "YES! CRUSH THAT PINCUSHION!" Eggman screeched from above. Sonic couldn't move, his legs weren't responding, so he closed his eyes and embraced for impact.


Sonia and Manic were walking through Clover Town, a small city not too far from Station Square. The two had used the last of their money to buy a small meal to share between them, it wasn't much but Manic figured it would last them long enough to make it to Sonic's. Manic let his eyes roam the streets, he could spot a few easy people to lift money off of, but decided against it, where Sonic wouldn't be proud of him for doing it.

Sonia suddenly grabbed his arm, in which he smacked her hand. "Geez sis, give me a lil warnin' next time would ya," He smirked.

"Manic, look." Sonia pointed to a giant television screen atop of a tower. The huge crowd below was yelling to the screen.

"Sonic's not getting up!"

"Get up man!"

"He's gonna be squat! Someone save him!"

"Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!!"

Manic let himself hold onto Sonia's hand. The two of them looked towards the television where they could see their blue brother on the ground not getting up and a giant metal foot aiming towards him. Sonia squeezed his hand viscously. "Get up Sonic, please." She cried. Manic pulled her into his side, his eyes never leaving the screen.

Suddenly a black blur swiped by Sonic and pulled him out from under the robot at the last possible second. Manic and Sonia sighed in relief.

"Who's that black figure?"

"Is it Shadow?"

"No way it's Shadow! Look how much taller the other guy is!"

"I hope Sonic's okay!"

Sonia and Manic watched as the black figure disappeared from the screen with their brother in tow. "Let's hope that's a friend of his," Manic spoke.

"Hopefully," Sonia replied. "C'mon, Manic. We're so close, let get to Sonic."

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