chapter six

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Manic stared into the fire. He was sitting a bit too close but the heat was comforting to him. He could hear Sonia humming softly somewhere behind him, and willingly he started tapping his foot to the the slow beat. 

Sonia smiled when Manic started tapping, she rolled the last of her clothes and placed them into her bag before walking over to the fire and sitting across from Manic. Together they sat there letting the small bit of music they made surround them, although neither of them sang a word. Time passed and slowly the fire was dying down and the sun was gone from the horizon, leaving darkness around them. The two hedgehogs grabbed their belongings and moved into the small leafy tent they created.

As morning shone down, Sonia and Manic awoke. They packed up and started another days journey. 

"Hey sis," Manic called. "Mind slowing down a bit there?"

Sonia slowed her pace to let her brother catch up. "Sorry Manic," She apologised before wiping some sweat from her brow. "It's so beautiful here," Her eyes took in all the green life, the insects flying around.

Manic took a glance around too. "It sure is, imagine this is what Robotropolis used to look like before Buttnik took over." He frowned and glanced towards the sky. "It's so peaceful."

Sonia and Manic continued their trek before finally they came across a community. Manic removed his hover board from his back, leaping on, and taking Sonia's hand to help her on it as well. The two glided down the hill into the community taking in the humans and vehicles. Coming across a park full of people the two hedgehogs came to a stop. 

"Do you think they could lead us to Sonic?" Manic asked. He stood up a bit straighter and looked around at the park. 

Sonia shrugged. "We can ask," She jumped off the hover board and headed towards a couple with a small child at the swing set. The kid looked at Sonia and waved with a giggle. Sonia waved back with a smile. 

She came to a stop and looked up to the mother who looked back at her. "Hi!" The woman greeted. "I don't think we've met before. I'm Susan!" Susan introduced herself putting her hand out to shake. 

Sonia took her hand and shook it. "Hi, I'm Sonia, that's my brother Manic over there," She pointed to her green brother making his way over to her. "We're actually pretty new here. We were actually wondering if you had any clue as to where S-" Sonia was cut off by the little girl on the swing screaming as she fell off sideways.

"Milly!" Susan exclaimed. 

Manic who had finally reached the swing set flew to the girl and grabbed hold of her before she could fall to the ground. Milly gripped him tight and laughed. "Thanks mister!" She thanked before leaping into her mother's arms. 

Susan hugged her daughter tight. "Thank you so much for that." She gave a wide smile to Manic. "Milly how many times must we tell you not to try and flip off the swings?" Susan scolded her daughter. 

Milly grinned a toothy grin. The father patted her on the head. "Hi, I'm Jerry. I caught your names are Sonia and Manic right?" Jerry questioned with a smile.

"Yep!" Sonia grinned. "Nice catch Manic." She gave him a nudge. Manic chuckled.

Susan let Milly go to where she ran to the slides, Jerry following after her with a fond smile, waving to the two hedgehogs as he departed. "What were you saying before Sonia?" Susan asked, her attention on the pink hedgehog.

Sonia glanced from Manic to Susan. "We were wondering if you knew where we could find Sonic Hedgehog?" 


Sonic shut his eyes tightly and pressed his thumb and pointer finger onto his eyelids, it had been hours and he had taken plenty of painkillers but it seemed as if his headache was never going to go away. He let out a strained breath and let his eyes open again. Himself along with Tails, Cream, Vanilla and Amy were lounging at Vanilla's house for the evening. Although he was laying on the rabbits roof behind the chimneys shadow to escape the sun. He couldn't remember the last time he had a headache this bad.

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