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Excuse any errors

Charisma J.
A few weeks later

"Can you please burp for mommy?" I said as I patted Anthony's back.

After feeding both twins, and being up all night changing diapers, I was tired.

August stayed the first week or two to help out, but once I got the hang of it, I told him he could go back to his place, and visit whenever he pleased.

"You really got this mommy thing under control huh?" Kameron smiled as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Yeahhh" I smiled, and then he burped.

"Yay" I smiled as I held him, I was so obsessed with them, that I'd literally just hold them and stare at them.

I put Anthony down next to Aiden and just watched as he stared up at me.

"Imma go to the bathroom really quick" I said.

Me and Kameron haven't really talked about what this thing was going on between us. I just wanted something casual, because I wasn't ready for a relationship yet. It's not like everyday when your ex boyfriend, who you have two kids by, appears from the dead.

August was another thing. He wanted us to be a normal family, but I wasn't ready for that either. I still get kind of weirded out when he comes around, because the image of him getting shot just replays through my mind.

Interesting life, right?

I finished up my business and headed back out, and saw Kameron standing over my sons' crib.

"What are you doing?" I smiled as I walked up next to him.

"Babies just fascinate me" He smiled.

He wrapped his arm around me and placed his chin on my head. I smiled and just watched my babies.

I heard my doorbell ring, before I went downstairs.

"Oh hey" I said, seeing that it was August.

"Wassuh ma'." He nodded.

"You can come in. They're sleep right now." I loved out the way.

"Can I go up and see them?" He asked.

"Gone ahead" I said, as we walked up the stairs.

August paused right in my doorway, and before I asked him what was wrong.

"Why he standin' over my kids like dat?" August asked.

"He was just watchin them" I sighed, pushing August in the room so I can go over to the crib.

"Das weird though. Them ain't his kids" August said, nonchalantly.

"Bruh just chill, I wasn't gone do nothing to yo kin" Kameron said, looking at August.

"Y'all don't start, my babies literally just went to sleep" I sighed.

"Tell yo nigga not to watch my sons sleep then" August glared at Kam.

"Okay, August" I sighed. He didn't like the fact that Kameron came over a lot, and I'm pretty sure he thought we were a couple.

"Okay, Imma head out, cause I don't have time to be disrespected ova' some petty shit" Kameron said, pecking my forehead and walking out my room.

"Whey can't y'all just get along?" I palmed my forehead.

"I ain't got no problem with his ass" August shrugged.

Charismatic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora