Chapter 6

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"Shit shit shit shit shit!" I said as I rubbed my temples and paced the floor. Sam, Dean and Blaze will be home any minute and I'm freaking out while Charlie tries and fails to calm me down.

"You're gonna have to tell them what Blake did to you." Charlie said. I had come clean about what really happened that night at Blake's since I thought there was no point in lying any longer. "I mean he raped you for god's sake. We really should report him but I think Sam and Dean will punish him enough."

"Okay, Charlie, you're gonna have to stop talking." I stopped pacing to bite what's left of my nails. I had baked a pie for Dean and cooked dinner for Sam and Blaze, hoping they would loosen the reigns a little. A car pulled up outside and we heard doors slamming and voices getting closer to the front door.

"Well, I'm off! Good luck." And just like that, I was alone.

My entire body froze as I heard the door being unlocked. It was like my feet weren't connected to my brain anymore. No matter how hard I tried, nothing in my power could make feet move. I stood there, as still as a skeleton, trying to figure how I was gonna say this.

"We're home!" Blaze called out as they descended the stairs.

"Damn, I need a shower." Dean said, dumping his bag on the floor. He had almost disappeared before I spoke up.

"Just before you go, can you all sit down for a sec?" Sam raised his eyebrows at Blaze but she only shrugged in return. "I need to tell you all something."

"Aqua, are you okay? You're shaking." Blaze noticed. I looked down at my hands to find them quivering. I quickly clasped them together and took a deep breath.

"Okay, so as you know, I was at Blake's house the other day-" I was cut off my a groan from Dean. I ignored him and continued. "and let's just say he wasn't exactly the best person he could've been. And you know how I said that nothing more happened? Well, I lied."

"What did he do to you?" Dean was up and out of his seat.

"Sit down." I spat at him. He obeyed and I continued. " He kinda raped me." Sam and Blaze jumped up.

"What?! Aqua how could you not tell us?" Sam asked, concerned but angry.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!" Blaze got up and hugged me.

I was about to reply when Dean stomped up, threw his chair to the ground and stormed off to his room.

"Dean, wait!" I shouted after him. "I made you a pie!" He hesitated but continued after a second. I went to chase after him, but hesitated and turned to the remaining two. "Um.. That's not all." They exchanged worried glances but I could see the realisation settle on their faces. "I'm pregnant."

"Oh, Aqua. That's okay, it wasn't your fault. We can sort this out." Sam comforted me.

"Yeah, it's not like you could've done anything." Blaze added.

"Is Dean gonna kill me when he finds out?" I asked, cautiously as I began to cry.

"No! Of course he won't. He just doesn't like you getting hurt. He'll feel as though he's let you down. He may lash out at you but he really won't mean it. He loves you and so do we and I promise we'll support you through this." Sam and Blaze enveloped me in a massive bear hug and held me as I cried.


Sorry for the overdue update and short chapter but I was thinking, if anyone wants to make a cover for Adopted by the Winchesters or Living with the Winchesters then you could leave a comment and if enough of you do, we could have a competition for the new cover. I will post a separate message about the details if enough of you want to do this.

Lauren xx

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