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River woke up in her bed. Wait, in her bed? River sat up and padded the now perfectly constructed bed she found herself laying on.
She looked around the room, maybe they had moved her. River sat up and thrust her hand under her pillow. Her diary was still there.

Before River got any more time to think on the matter she heard a key scraping in the lock.
"How are you today River?"
This time River didn't feel like wasting anytime so she jumped right to the point.
"Who fixed my bed?"
Dr Harrison shot River a confused look as she dragged her chair into the room.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't give me that crap!" River snapped. "I know you know! You know everything don't you!"
The psychiatrist paused for a moment.
"River, can I be honest with you?" She asked as she sat down. River didn't want to dignify her with and answer.
"Well," She continued. "I know the loss of your mother must be tough on you. This is the exact time I would expect a set back."
River rolled her eyes.
"You don't know the first thing about my mother! How did it happen? She was so young." River trailed off slightly.
"River your mother was eighty seven."
River froze.
"What? What year is it?"
"River, you know what year it is."

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a small white piece of fabric on the floor, the same fabric as the blanket that was ripped up.
Rivers head started buzzing. The psychiatrist kept talking but all River could hear was a muffled distorted version of her words.
"Will you shut up woman!" River screamed as she shot up from the bed, the words of Dr Harrison, although they were completely impossible to understand the sounds of each letter, pierced her head. River felt a warm liquid running out of her ears. She screamed as she fell to the floor, a red hot dagger piercing through her head.
As River fell to her knees she saw blood drip off her arm and onto the floor. She moved one of her hands off her ear and in front of her face. The blood had pooled in the palm of her hand and as soon as she moved it the blood spilled out.
River looked up at Dr Harrison and she could swear she saw her smile, only for a second, before she plunged forward looking concerned.

Suddenly everything fell silent. River crouched on the floor shaking. She raised both her hands to her face and saw what looked like Halloween decorations. The hair that hung around her face as she looked down was drenched in red, so much so it was almost black in places.
River looked up but Dr Harrison wasn't there, she let her head flop back down as she looked at the pool of blood beneath her. As she looked into the deep red lake that surrounded he, River saw her mother looking back at her.
"I'm sorry," River sobbed. "I should have been there. I should have done something. Forgive me, not only for this but for all the wrong I've done. Forgive me mother." River almost babbled as she wrapped her arms around herself and began to gently rock back and forth.
"I love you." River whispered her face completely soaked with tears. She squeezed her eyes shut and just sobbed. Rocking back and forth...back and forth.

"You're going to be okay."
River looked up and saw The Doctor standing over her. He knelt down and took Rivers hand in his, the blood aiding his fingers to slide between hers.
He gently pulled her up and wrapped his arms around her. River lay her head against him and let him support her weight.
"Everything will be okay."
River tangled her hands into the fabric of his blazer, even though her grip was weak River felt like she was clinging on for her life.
River felt him place a soft kiss on the top of her head and for a moment Rivers pain faded away.

River opened her eyes and she was back on her bed, again. This wasn't right.
She looked over to the floor and there was blood. She grabbed the hair on the side of her head and pulled it to the front of her face.
No blood.
River jumped up from her bed and started pounding on the door.
"OPEN THIS DOOR!" She screamed her hands started to hurt.
River heard a key in the door, except this time it wasn't slowly scraping it was jammed in the keyhole. River could hear the panic bounce off the metal.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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