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River peeped over her knees as the door opened.
"I haven't seen you in while River how are you?" Dr Harrison said stepping into the room.
River didn't speak and merely looked back down at her bed.
She stood there for a few minutes, when she was one hundred percent sure there was no conversation going to come out the clearly broken woman's mouth, she placed the tattered blue book on the end of her bed.

River looked at the diary. Her eyes scanned over the edge of the crinkled, worn pages. Occasionally you could see loose bits of paper and post it notes sticking out the pages.
Her eyes fell on the cover. The blue corners worn down, the colour had faded somewhat over time. In places the blue was light and almost worn away but in others the deep blue it had originated in had managed to remain.

As soon as she was gone River slowly extended her arm and wrapped her fingers around the familiar cover. It had been such a long time since she has seen this book, let alone touched it.
She wasn't sure if she believed Dr Harrison when she said she had read it. No one read her diary, also it wasn't exactly sure where would she have found the time to read it.
River felt a weak smile creep onto her face as she looked down at the book. She sighed as she sat with her legs crossed not sure whether to read it or not.
So instead she just sat there as she tossed it over in her hands.
She ran her fingers along the spine feeling how worn it was.

After half an hour, at least, River finally gained the courage to open it.
She opened it slowly and flicked through the pages. River didn't stop on any of them. She let her eyes graze the page but refused to let her brain digest any of the words.
Until she reached the page about the picnic.
That damn picnic. River smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek. She read about how the sky looked. She could still remember it.

A beautiful shade of orange dominated the sky, hints of yellow and pink blending into the clouds. She could see six planets. The closest being a gorgeous emerald green with streaks of sea blue. The rest of them, were further out so she couldn't see the exact colours that blended together to make them but one was a light rose pink. The stars lighting the galaxy behind them.
It was like River was there again, looking up at the sky.
Suddenly, she felt a hand on her thigh. She looked down and saw the red and blue picnic blanket beneath her legs. She turned her focus to the hand on her leg and followed the arm up.
Rivers eyes found his beautiful face. That face with those beautiful green eyes. River could still see the tones of green and yellow mixing together. It was like looking into another galaxy.

"What are you reading?"
River was snapped back to reality. Her eyes flew open and the projection of the Doctor was in her room again.
"Spoilers." River smiled closing the book. "You finally came back for me then. Any news on getting me out?" River asked placing her diary under her pillow and standing up.
It had been a while since River had moved properly, her muscles screamed at her as she extended her body. Her muscles stiff and painful. Her legs almost refused to hold her up as she stood up, but somehow she kept them in line and as always, hid her pain with a smile.
"Yes about that, as of yet, no. I am working on it though."  The Doctor said looking around the room. " I can't even seem to override their security."

River walked over to the door and as she did the hatch opened. It wasn't meal time though she knew that.
The Doctor walked up behind her peering over her shoulder. River watched an envelope slide through the slot. Confused, River grabbed the letter and turned back to the Doctor. She looked up from the envelope and realised he was gone again.
"Bye then." She whispered as she sat on her bed the white envelope in her hand.

River turned the envelope over in her hand.
Melody Pond (River Song)
Was written on the front. River slowly slid her finger under the closed tab on the envelope listening to the paper rip as she tore it along the edge. Her heart was racing, who on earth would write her a letter? And why now?

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