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This is a fan made passion project that has been in the works (at the time of Arc 1 publication) for over two and a half years. The end goal of this project is to have it converted into a manga or comic for the community it was intended for and those who are looking for an engaging story. This was made because I wished to give back to the community that gave me so much, and for the devs that worked so hard to create it. If a Dev is reading this, my only goal in the end is to show you what your characters are truly capable of, and to perhaps take inspiration on what you could create. There is no need to understand or know any of the source material in order to enjoy this story. If you wish to find out what this fan made lore is for, you will find out at the end of the questions page. This story is best experienced when going in blind. I can assure you that it has received plenty of praise, and I can guarantee that reading this will not be a waste of your time. It is roughly a two to four hour read from start to finish. Thank you to everyone who has given me the support for this project over the years, and I look forward to finishing the future arcs that will be released sometime in the future. If you wish to financially fund this project which will make it go a lot faster, you can support this project on Patreon! If you wish to listen to any of the original music made for this project, or all of the official artwork by Vocox and Wynford, join the discord! You can find all the links in the description of the first official music video for this series:

Discord is by far the best place to keep up with updates and release schedules. If you already have discord, and you wish to join to keep up with updates—
Uses the code:

I am thrilled for this release, and I greatly look forward to the future of this project, and the people that may enjoy it.

Warning To All Readers:
This is a character driven story with heavy topics and deep emotional loss.
This story is not for the faint of heart.
Reader's discretion is advised.

Important Note:
>This is a script for a comic/manga.< Words between quotations are text that will be in the speech bubbles for said comic.
All text between [ ] are English translations of French text.

Chapter one is entirety third person. Afterwards, each chapter will be presented in first person. There will be segments where the first-person perspective will switch to a different character, this will be indicated by the name of the character displayed as a title.


MAEVE [Arc 1]Where stories live. Discover now