Chapter 9

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Allie's POV

"Hey!Wake up! Matthew plans on leaving today and he won't hesitate to leave you if you don't hurry!" My eyes popped open as the cell door was unlocked and the guard hastily grabbed me.

I shrugged out of his grip and bared my teeth. "Don't touch me." The guard glared back at me and backhanded me, causing me to fall back. He came up and grabbed me again.
His voice reached lowly in my ears."You better learn respect girly. If you know what's good for you. You hear." He shook me as I nodded. He scoffed at me before dropping me to the ground in a heap.

"Hey! Dan, chill. Matthew made it clear not to hurt them. Now go." As the guard left he bumped into Damion and left mumbling. Damion turned his gaze unto me on the floor before picking me up. "Love, I just patched you up yesterday and now here you are already getting on someone's nerves. What ever will I do with you?"

I smiled and looked at him. "What's life without a little drama. Why are we leaving so early? I thought you said till the end of this week?" I put my boots on and looked at Damion and noticed the uneasiness in his eyes. Before I could question it there was a scream heard. My eyes widened.

"It's Emma!" Before Damion could stop me I was already running towards the lab. By then everybody heard and were wondering what was happening. I burst into the room to see the sight before me.

"Allie! Help me!" Emma was dangling in a mans arms and Zane was knocked out on the floor. Acting quickly I kicked the guys legs and reached out for Emma, only to have my hair grabbed. Wincing in pain I lifted my leg one more time to kick him. My arms were pinned behind me. Damion on the ground struggling to get loose by the 3 guys pinning him down.

"AH! You little brat!" Emma was thrown to the ground as the guy pulled out a gun and pointed it straight at her.

"No!" I struggled against the man holding me down but it was to late. Screaming and kicking I was brought out of the room with tears rushing down my face.
Damion's POV

Some time later

Sitting in the front seat of the van with Matthew was utter hell. I flexed my wrist, then finding it useless. I'll give that damn little Boy Scout credit in knot tying. After what went down in the lab, we had an immediate evacuation. All the noise and screaming would have attracted the zombies one way or another.

"You brought this unto yourself Damion. You see, I was going to kick you out, but I realized you are an important part to me. Almost like a son." I stiffened up and tensed my jaw. "I'm just gonna let you off the hook, okay?"

"What about Allie." Matthew looked at me then back on the road, his jaw clenched.
"We've already discussed this, Damion. She's going to the maze. We can't risk other people finding out about this cure." I kicked the dashboard.

"You're gonna send her in like that! She just lost someone and yet you're sending her in-" My head turned sideways as the slap was sent my way. I clenched my jaw as Matthew cursed. I looked where he was looking and my eyes widened.

The maze was up ahead, but it seemed as if it grew. Zombies were basically pouring out of it. Matthew paged the others to slow down and to keep quite as we slowly approached. He turned to me. "Damion, stay in the car if you know what's good for you." My eyes were still trained on the horde of zombies. I seen them travel in packs but I never seen this many. From where I was sitting, Allie looked like a mess. Her usually bright eyes are now glassy and lifeless looking.

A idea popped into my head. I rolled down the window to open the door and went out.
"Allie. Sorry to end you this way, but it just has to be done." He reached into his pocket and took out a blow horn and a roll of duct tape and a dagger. "You will need this when you walk in. They can't see, only hear, so if you see a horde of them, just wrap the duct tape around the handle and run. Oh, and this too. Just one bullet." I narrowed my eyes.
Matthew did this in practice all the time.

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