Chapter 1-Now that everything is different

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"Manny! Come on boy!" I whistle one more time getting frustrated. Tapping my foot in aggravation, my mom laughed at me from inside while my dad was drinking his morning coffee. What am I doing you say? Waiting for my stubborn husky to come inside so I can hurry up and catch the bus. It would be pretty bad if I have gotten late on my first day of senior year.

"Honey, stop frowning. You don't wanna get wrinkles at such a young age do you? How do you think Adam will feel when he sees you when you're 20 and look 80?" My mom laughed while I was red as a tomato. Adam was Ridgeways star basketball player and had a major crush on me as we'll I had one on him. My mom found this out and wouldn't live it down, as my dad is clueless like a toodler! I rolled my eyes and simply ignored her, still calling out to Manny as for he has not returned. I groaned as I saw the yellow and black bus appear at the end of my street. "Mom can you please still try to find mAnny? He still hasn't returned and I-"

I was cut off. " The only thing you need to worry about is getting food in that stomach of yours and get to school. Manny will come back, he always does remember? Now hurry before they leave you." Smiling, I quickly ran into the kitchen and kissed my dad's cheek goodbye. "We'll I wouldn't have to worry about the bus leaving me if I had-"

"Yes, yes we know honey. You still want a new car to replace the one you wrecked. Which I promise you will get back by the end of this month. Now as you mother said, go on before the bus leaves." Giving my mom a kiss goodbye, I grabbed my bag and ran down to the bus, barley making it.

~*~*~*Later on~*~*~*~

"Allie! Guess what guess what guess what!" That my friends, is Patricia Hathway, my best friend, who is also a major chatter box when she's wounded up. Which is a close estimate to always.

" "What what what!" After taking a big breath, she began her ramble.

" I heard from Kyla who heard from Matt from who heard from Justin who heard from Adam that he's going to ask you out to homecoming!!!! And that the date is going to be super duper romantic so you better say yes or I'll-"

Giggling I put my hand over Pjs mouth and watched as she gave me a look of distaste. "Okay, now breathe with me, in and out and in and OW!," I pulled my hand back and examined it as it turned a bright red," Did you just bite me?"

" Well that's not exactly a hickey now is it?"I stick my tongue out at her as I shut my locker and make my way to class, noticing that the hallways looked...empty. To busy looking around, I missed a chunk of Pjs conversation, and she didn't even notice. Trying to catch up with Pj planning my wedding, I ran into Rebeccah, the queen bee of the school.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry- whoa." Picking up the last of her books I handed them to her, getting a good look at her. Her usually tanned skin is now pale and saggy. Her curly blond hair is now straight and...lifeless. Glaring at me with her bagged lifeless blue eyes, she grabbed her books and walked off. I'm not one to call myself Miss Fashionista but wow, Rebeccah really needed a full make up job. Pj noticed I wasn't paying attention and slapped my arm. After reassuring her I was paying attention, we made our way to our 1st period.


With the majority of the teachers and staff being sick, we spent the school day in the auditorium watching movies. I couldn't hardly pay attention though. Everyone getting sick like this is just crazy. Even Adam is out sick today, to Pj's and mine disappointment. From what I was told, Rebeccah and 10 other students went home today from a high fever. I was shook out my thoughts when the bell rang. Deciding to skip the bus, I figured I get the exercise and walk the whole 30 minuets home.How and what is making all these people sick? Could it be allergies? A stomach bug? I was cut off from my thoughts when I heard rustling to my right.

I was about to reach for it till I heard a growl. Freezing I backed up but it was to late. The creature that i once knew jumped at me covered in blood. And all I could do was scream as Adam jumped at me...

*~*~*~End of Flashback(Present Time)*~*~*~

I wake up with a start breathing heavenly. I wipe my face free of tears and sigh. On the floor next to me snoring loudly was Manny. The last person I have left in what was once my old life. It seemed like the more I wiped the tears, new ones appeared as quickly as they disappeared. I looked around what was left of my house. The one glass windows were boarded up, the old maple door was now a metal door that took most of my strength to bolt in as well as the back door. Every crack in the walls was filled in. I turned my child hood home into a safe house that has done it's job for a full year. A full year since the out break.

I shuddered at the memory and got up from the couch and went to the bathroom where I saw the familiar stranger. She had the same red hair. To the blue eyes. But it wasn't me. The one in the mirror didn't have to kill the love of her life, or her parents. She's to innocent, something I haven't been for a long time. Washing the last of the tears from my face, I dried my face off then went back to the living room where Manny was up and was panting away on the couch. I sat on the couch and buried my face in his fur. Where I escaped to the happiest part in my mind. One to where I wasn't the only survivor.

Ok guys. Short chapter i know, compared on my iPad it seemed really long. Please forgive me!

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