The Lake

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I wasn't sure if I had heard her right. 'She was raped?! Why when and how! Why didn't she tell me right away?', I thought.

As all these thoughts rushed through my head she got up and started walking away, so I followed her. Then right after I caught up to her, which wasn't that hard considering she wasn't walking too fast, she walked into the women's restroom.

Outside of the door I asked her if she was ok, but her response was just sobbing. I walked in after a few seconds, not being able to stand her crying and held her as she cried on my shoulder.

"I was so scared", she managed to say between sobs. Then what I did was calmly 'sh' her, and slowly sway back and forth with her in my arms until she calmed down. Then a teacher came in and told us to get to class, but instead we left the school to go home.

We walked home in silence, and although I hated not talking, it at least gave me time to think. Think about what I was going to say to her, whether or not I was going to ask her to explain to me in detail, or if she had already talked to the police. But when we got to her house there was no talking coming from her. All she did was sit on her bed and stare at the wall.

Then I put my arm around her and started reading aloud a book about serenity and peace so that she could have happy thoughts floating in her head.

Page 100 she was softly mumbling in her sleep, then she held on to me tighter, like I was a teddy bear. She looked so cute when she was asleep, all I wanted to do was be with her forever.

And I was going to make sure that happened.


I woke up and there was a note on my bedside table that read "I'm sorry but I had to go, family stuff :/ see you later though ~Wyatt".

That was when I remembered what had happened that day and i sighed. I knew all he wanted to do was help, but I didn't think I was ready. I was still traumatized and I just felt like being alone. I looked at my clock, it said it was 2:07 am. So then I got on instagram for an hour or two before going to sleep again.

The next day was the first Friday of the year.

I was just excited to finally have a few days of free time with my boyfriend. Anyways I rushed to school and everything was pretty bland. Nothing interesting happened until lunchtime.

What happened was Wyatt came to me and my friends' lunch table and took me away by the hand to the school parking lot. Next thing I know, were at Dairy King getting blizzards.

"Why are we here again?", I asked with a mouth full of ice cream. "Oh, you know. Just thought you might want something besides a regular lunch. Also, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the lake tomorrow?", he said looking into my eyes in search for an answer.

"Um...ya, I'm up for going to the lake", I said trying to act cool. "It's a date then", Wyatt replied.

On Saturday morning I looked and looked but I couldn't find my bathing suit, so instead, I had to borrow the bathing suit that my friend had left at my house. It was a push-up bright pink bikini.

Over the bikini, I threw on wind shorts and a black tank top. I slipped on some flip flops and then got a bag and filled it with sunscreen, goggles, my phone, and sandwiches.

I then walked to Wyatt's house and from there he drove us to the lake. When we got there he thew my bag in a chair he unfolded and tossed me in the water.

"WYATT IM GONNA GET YOU!!!", I screamed in the water. He just laughed while putting on sunscreen. Then I climbed out of the water, sneaked up behind Wyatt, and pushed him in the water, but he grabbed my leg and dragged me in with him.

I hit my head on the way down and everything turned black


Shelby and I had just gotten to the lake when I lost her.

"Shelby?", I called out. I called her name out over and over getting louder each time. Then I frantically climbed out of the water and grabbed her goggles, put them on, and dived in.

I looked and looked under the water until I finally found her at the bottom of the lake. She was knocked out cold.

I tried carrying her out but it seemed that her leg had gotten caught in something. I came up for air, then went back down and pried off the rocks on top of her leg, then swam to the top and placed her gently on the deck.

I preformed CPR on her until she finally sat up and coughed up water. I ran to get her a towel, only to come back to her screaming. She was holding her leg, where I could see a bone sticking out.

I called 911 and held her until the ambulance came.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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