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I stayed there, bawling in my aunts arms got what seemed like forever until her soothing shushing and stroking of my hair calmed me down. After a few more minutes she walked me to bed, tucked me in, then kissed my forehead goodnight.

Long after my aunt had left my room off to bed, I was still wide awake in bed, with no want for sleep. The events that had happened the past few days went swirling in my head, especially the ones from that day.

I couldn't get the moments from when I was with those two out of my head. They just kept replaying over and over again, with me cringing harder each time.

After a few hours my eyes started to get droopy and I started to feel sleepy, but right as I closed my eyes a sudden sound startled me. I flew out of bed, fearful that I was getting robbed or something along those lines.

Then I looked at where the noise was coming from, it was just my alarm clock. So I pulled the plug, while catching my breath and finally fell asleep on the floor.

* * *

I awoke to the pain of my empty stomach. Moaning I stood up, only to see that the sun was barley starting to rise. So then I walked downstairs to the kitchen, making sure to be careful of where I placed my clumsy feet.

Rummaging through the pantry I found a cup of ramen noodle soup, so I put water in it and put it in the microwave. Once it was done I grabbed a fork and walked over to the table, trying not to spill the hot soup.

Then as I began gobbling down the noodles, I stopped myself so that I could slowly slurp the noodles into my mouth, and enjoy the only food I had had in a while. It took me a while, but after I was finished eating, I realized that it was sunset not sunrise.

I stayed at the table, able to watch the beautiful, colorful works of Mother Nature outside, until it was pitch black. While there I was wondering how I had slept the whole day. I knew that I had been exhausted the day before, but not this much.

Shrugging it off, I waddled back upstairs to my room, and into my bed where I snuggled with my pillow and fell into yet another deep slumber.

* * *

When I woke up, all I could think of was,"Go back to sleep self!". I rolled around in bed for a few minutes until I realized that it was a school day and I was already behind.

I frantically looked at my clock, only to be disappointed with a blank screen. Then I looked at the outlet and remembered when I had unplugged it.

Right after, I stretched for my phone and hurriedly turned it on. It read 5 minutes before I would usually wake up on school days. At that I sighed a huge sigh of relief.

So then I climbed out of bed and walked over to my closet. There I grabbed my huge gray jacket, my blue jeans, and my school spirit shirt, because I didn't want to be noticeable, and then that would lead to questions that I did not want to answer.

I then got dressed and waddled downstairs, for I was still a little bit sore. I ate, grabbed my glasses and my backpack, then headed out towards the place I wait for the school bus.

On the bus, I sat next to Hailey. When she looked at my facial expression, she seemed to tell right away that I would tell her about it whenever I wanted to.

Then we got to Wyatt's stop. A while after he had sat down in his seat across from me, he asked,"Why weren't you here yesterday?"

All I did was turn more towards the ground, trying to avoid his question. He just kept looking at me, expecting an answer, all the way until we had reached the school.

Then he gave up for then.

All the way until lunch, all my classes were fine. Nobody asked me about my whereabouts or my outfit or why I was walking a tad bit weird, which I was very thankful for.

At lunch Wyatt came to my table right at the beginning. Right away he asked me about where I had been the day before. All I did was twiddle my thumbs, waiting for him to leave.

He then grabbed my chin in a romantic manor, but asked me,"You weren't cheating on me...were you?" I was shocked by his words.

"What! Of course I didn't, why would I ever cheat on you?!", I exclaimed. He replied with,"Well then tell me what you did...please Shelby, I just want to know"

Then I broke free from his grasp, and whispered to where only Wyatt could hear, not even my friends,"I...I was r-raped"

Author's note: Hey guys, I'd really appreciate it if you'd comment or rate! :D

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