Strange Place. (Intro)

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River woke up and tried to sit up. She felt a hint of panic when she found she couldn't. River tried to open her eyes but the bright white light above her was blinding. She squinted and tilted her head to the side to try and ease the pain in her eyes. All River could hear was a deafening silence, apart from the sounds her body made as it kept her alive. She could hear her lungs inflating and deflating. She could hear her own heartbeat thumping from within her chest. River also swore she could almost hear the blood pumping through her veins.
After a few minutes River could open her eyes just enough to see. She squinted down her body and saw she was strapped down. She had remembered wearing a brown dress, but now she was in a plain white shirt and trousers.
River tried to move an arm, a leg or anything really. Much to her disappointment, whoever strapped her in did a good job.
As her eyes adjusted she could look around the room. It looked looked completely white. The walls, the floor, the ceiling, even the door. The only break in the blinding whiteness was the gap around the door and what appeared to be a small rectangle in the middle of the door.

"Hello?!" River called, straining her neck to look at the door. It was at this moment River heard what sounded like a key in the door. She could hear the metal scrape against the internal workings of the lock as whoever it was inserted it into the door. The clunk of the mechanisms turning inside the door seemed to echo through the baron room.
The door opened and there stood a woman and behind her a young man. Rivers' neck began to ache but she refused to lay her head back down until she got a good look at the pair.
The woman had a short black bob that was, if River allowed herself to admire it for a moment, incredibly shiny. She had caramel skin and a slender build. She wasn't tall, even though she had heels on. She wore thin black glasses and wore what appeared to be a lab coat. She paired this with a brown skirt and black shoes.
The man on the other hand was rather attractive.  He had a slender build, but River did tend to favour the slender man. He had short brown hair. His features were very defined and he had striking blue eyes. He wore a light blue uniform. Almost like a nurses uniform but slightly different, although River couldn't tell how. He also carried a blue clipboard.
"You're awake, Professor Song." The woman spoke. Her voice was soft, yet River detected that softness was not this woman's true colour.
"Where am I?" River asked as the woman came and stood next to her bed, followed by the man.
"Hello River. So you don't know where you are?" The woman asked looking down at River, who shook her head. "Interesting." She said grabbing the clipboard from the man. "Do you know what year it is?"
"I don't even know what planet I'm on." River laughed.
The woman looked at her confused before scribbling more words onto the paper.
"So who are you exactly?" River asked trying to adjust her position a little. She could feel her left hand going a little dead.
"Oh yes! I'm terribly sorry. I'm Dr Harrison."
River looked even more confused, "Doctor? Am I ill?"
Dr Harrison looked at her male assistant and placed her clipboard at her side, "you're in Yellow Meadow Psychiatric Hospital."
River couldn't help but laugh, "Psychiatric hospital? Seriously?" Rivers' laughter faded out. "Ah. You're not joking."
"You had a psychotic break. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"
River didn't know how to react. She wasn't sure whether she wanted to laugh or cry. She was now regretting saying she didn't know what planet she was on. The more River thought, the more she tried to remember how and what had lead to this. What had lead to her being here? But there was nothing. Not even a clue in her brain as to how she ended up in this place.
"Can you release me first?" River said gesturing towards the straps across her body.
"Of course, we will have you out of there in a moment." Dr Harrison said, exiting the room, locking the door behind her.

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