First Date

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Point Place Wisconsin

February 13th , 1977

Sunday Afternoon 

The Forman Twin's Basement

Steven, Michael, Fez and I walk into the basement laughing, we had just come from a movie.

"Hey, Gilligan is on!" Fez exclaims, before seeing Eric and Donna on the floor, in a clearly pre make out pose.

"What are you doing in the floor?" He asks sighing, before sitting in his chair.

"Yeah. Why don't you guys get a room?" Steven asks.

I laugh a little and plop myself on his lap,

"That's pretty nasty guys."

"We had a room, Hyde. It's called my basement." Eric says angrily.

We all pause for a moment.

"Well, I'm going home," Donna says jumping up to leave.

"Bye guys." She continues, rushing to the door.

"I'll walk you home." Eric says jumping over the couch.

"She lives right next door, man." Kelso says rolling his eyes.

"Yeah." Eric says slapping his head.

The two of them run out and I glance at Steven. He was kind of tense.

I frown a little before getting up.

"Come on, let's go to my room." 

"Not right now." He says.

I get move to get off of his lap but he pulls me back down.

"I'm not upset, I just... not right now." 

I shoot him a look and push him off of me.

"I'm not upset either, I just don't get why this whole Donn and Eric thing is getting to you." I say before turning to leave.

As I do, Eric and Jackie come inside.

"So, Eric... What were you and Donna talking all hot and heavy about?" She asks. I pause and Steven looks torn between going after me and hearing what Eric has to say.

"We're going out to dinner tomorrow night. For Valentine's Day." He says.

Steven looks more tense and I shake my head before running upstairs.

"Oh, Pretty eyes come on!" He yells after me.

I slam the door shut and make my way past the living room to my bedroom.

How dare he. We had been together for a while now. We were going steady. How could he say that he loved me but still get jealous when my brother tries to date Donna.

I plop myself down harshly on my bed.

He was unbelievable!

I think about Donna. She's so beautiful, and smart and funny, and sure people have said I'm those things, but no one looks quite as good as Donna in a pair of nice jeans.

I groan and shove a pillow over my face. I was dumb to think that Steven Hyde actually liked me enough to ignore a girl like Donna.


I sit at the kitchen table, my head resting in my hand. 

Eric was being admired from every angle by many people as he was about to go out on his first big date with the perfect girl, while I was contemplating whether my trashy boyfriend genuinely liked me.

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