Chapter 17: What If?

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have a photo of pattycakes (my co-writer sent this to me last night and I was losing my mind (literally near tears) for ten minutes at his cuteness)


I love you guys I might cry okay comment/vote/share

Less than a week. Less than a week.

Six days from now, Frank and Gerard will be on a plane, flying to another country, to live there. As excited as he is to be in France with -gotta be honest- the love of his life, Frank was fucking scared.

He's barely been out of Jersey, and now he's moving out of country. And they may be in love, but he and Gerard have only known each other for a few months. This is a huge decision, and it was all happening terrifyingly fast. The days seemed to be zipping by with increasing speed.

Frank bounced his leg anxiously, staring at the notification on Gerard's phone screen, reminding him that he's leaving very soon. 

"Hey." Gerard sat on the bed next to Frank and ran his fingers up the back of his neck through his dark hair. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know." Frank handed Gerard's phone to him and got down, laying his head on Gerard's lap and looking up at him. "I'm nervous."

Gerard looked down at him and touched his cheek with his thumb, feeling the soft, warm skin. 

Frank stared up at him, looking at his captivating hazel eyes. He brought his hand up and took Gerard's hand, interlinking their fingers tightly. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Gerard asked softly. 

Frank pushed his lips to the side and looked away from him. "It's not a big deal."

Gerard's eyebrows pulled together with a worried look. "It is a big deal. It makes perfect sense that you're nervous."

Frank looked back up at him. "Are you sure?"

"Well, yeah." Gerard smiled and nodded. "You're moving countries. I was scared too."

"What made it better?" Frank asked. "What made it less scary?"

"Knowing I would have people there who loved me." Gerard said, running his thumb along Frank's jawline. "I was moving in with my grandma and grandpa, and she promised me on the phone that I was gonna be okay."

Frank bit his lip. "And... I'll be okay?"

"Yes." Gerard pulled him up by his shoulders and gave him a long, slow kiss. "And you'll have me there with you the whole way, and I love you."

"And that's all that matters." Frank whispered. "Nothing else matters."

Gerard nodded again, brushing black strands of hair away from Frank's forehead. They stared at each other for a while, with little matching smiles on their lips.

"So, what are you wearing to prom?" Gerard asked, smiling when Frank turned pink.

"I'm gonna get something today with Lindsey." Frank said, looking away shyly. "What about you?"

Gerard tilted his head. "Well, I have a casual suit, but today I need to pick up a present and some flowers for my gorgeous date."

Frank pulled a blanket over and covered his face with it. 

Gerard pulled it away and smiled at his pink-faced lover. "And I need to get a ride so I can pick him up."

"Ugh." Frank hid his face in Gerard's shirt. "Stop it."

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