Getting The News (Prologue)

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When one receives the news that one's father has passed, very suddenly, at a considerably  young age, they would normally go through the five stages of grief.

Not Gerard Way.

When he got the phone call that his father had passed, the only thing he felt, was relieved.

Of course, he felt ashamed and disappointed in himself to feel that way, but, circumstantially speaking, he had every right to feel relief.

The overly pessimistic, misogynistic, emotionally abusive, and downright asshole, Donald Way, was finally dead.

Gerard had no love for his father. After being kicked out at 19 for being a "deadbeat faggot," Gerard dropped all hope for ever loving his father again into a toilet, and may as well have smiled as he flushed the bitch down to the sewer.

His mother, whom he still hasn't forgiven for never calling him home after his sudden teenage eviction, has somehow "forgotten" all of their problems and was the one to call and tell Gerard that he should return for the funeral and stay for the Summer.

She obviously didn't offer to fund his trip. Not that Gerard would have accepted the offer anyway. He wanted to show off what a "deadbeat faggot" could do with his life, even though he was only repeatedly shit on by any employer he ever had. Despite that, he made it pretty well in life. Granted he stayed at friends' houses for the first year, feeling sorry for himself, until one of them up and said "Get your pathetic ass off my couch and do something, Gerard. You never know until you try." So Gerard started tutoring art students at a shitty price for himself until he realized the full extent of what he could do, and moved in with his grandparents in Angers, France until he got on his feet.

He had only been in contact with Mikey, his little brother, since. And the two weren't as close as Gerard wanted them to be.

16 hours ago, Gerard had answered a rather unexpected phone call. And 12 hours ago, he packed a bag, bought a ticket, popped a Xanax and called ahead for a taxi cab.

Now seated in a plane, medication kicking in and headphones on, Gerard smiled to himself.

This was going to be one hell of a trip.

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