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"No, no, I," the doctor sighed in frustration as my therapist stood next to them. "What exactly do you remember about him? What do you mean 'aura'?"

Why does all of this information matter so much to them?

"He's special..." I began. "One of the only pure people left on this earth. His aura floats around his purity constantly, hovering."

My therapist and doctor looked at each other. I couldn't tell what their expression meant.

"What do you mean 'aura'?" the doctor pressed.

"A color," I stated, somewhat spaced out. "Pure and clean, like him. It's crisp and bright, yet also hazy and conflicted."

With a shaky hand, my therapist pulled out a notebook from their jacket. For some unknown reason, I recognized it. A pang of something appeared then disappeared in my mind, leaving a foggy memory. A cafe, a novella... 

please dont forget me. [book 2] ✅Where stories live. Discover now