Chapter IX

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"So, when are we expecting little Beale babies?" Stacie asked Beca.

It was Beca and Chloe's big day and it was only thirty minutes ago that the two women said, "I do". It was the best moment in their lives and it felt so good to be married.

"We literally JUST got married, Stace," Beca laughed.

"I know but little Bella needs a playmate."

"Don't worry, she'll get one soon enough."

"Wanna hold?"


Beca was never really a kid person but she warmed up to them when Bella was born. Bella was Stacie and Aubrey's child. The two married a few years ago and just had a little baby girl who was their entire world. She had Stacie's hair and eyes and Aubrey's nose and lips - she was beautiful.

"Is it tough being a mom?" Beca asked.

"It has its moments but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Bree and I wanted a baby pretty badly so every moment is a joy."

"That's good."

"Here's her bottle, Stace. Oh," Aubrey paused when she saw Beca holding her daughter.

"Did you want to feed her, Beca?" Stacie offered.

"Stace, it's okay I think-"

"Yeah, okay," said Beca. "Don't worry, Aubrey, I need to learn sooner or later."

The blonde gave Beca the bottle and watched Beca put it in Bella's mouth.

"Make sure to hold it up high so she doesn't take in air or else she'll get gas," Aubrey explained.


"And push the bottle further in her mouth as well for that same reason and make sure you support her neck.

"Babe, she's got it," Stacie chuckled.

Aubrey still had some control issues but Stacie had worked on it a lot and Aubrey was much better than she used to be. Her controlling nature flared up every now and then, especially when it came to Bella but she was pretty good. Aubrey was a protective mother who only wanted the best for her little girl. Stacie was the same but she was more laid back than Aubrey and didn't worry so much about things. Aubrey had already planned what school and college Bella was going to attend. Everyone thought it was a little bit over the top but they also knew what Aubrey was like so they just went with it. At least they knew that Bella was going to get the best education out there.

"Mrs. Beale?"

The sound of her wife calling her by her name made Beca smile. "Right here!" Beca answered.

"Oh! Are you feeding baby Bella?" Chloe swooned over her wife and goddaughter. "CUTE!"

Beca and Chloe were made godparents of Bella and Chloe was so happy. Chloe loved kids so she was extremely flattered when she was asked to be her godmother and Chloe practically screamed with joy when she discovered that Bella's middle name was Chloe. The redhead was on Cloud Nine.

"Having fun?" Chloe sat next to Beca and put an arm around her.

"Yeah, it's not too bad." Beca looked at her wife who was absolutely stunning in her wedding dress.

Beca was in near tears when she saw Chloe walk down the aisle. The brunette didn't think it was possible for Chloe to get any more beautiful but there she was, clad in white with her hair down and wavy and her makeup highlighting every stunning aspect of her face. Beca never felt so in love with Chloe in her life.

"She's so cute, Bree," Chloe cooed, playing with Bella's tiny hand as she drank.

"I know. She's our little angel."

"Well, you might have some competition soon."

"Oh? You're having kids?"

"Yes, we are. Aren't we, Becs?"

"Yes but I want to have you to myself a little while longer before that happens."

"Aww!" Stacie cooed.

Chloe smiled and kissed her wife's cheek. Beca may have been a badass but she sure had her way with words even if she didn't mean to. Everyone knew Beca was a total softie for Chloe. Beca denied it but deep down she knew.

"Okay, I think she's done," Beca said.

"Come here then, fatty," Stacie sighed, grabbing her daughter and burping her.

"Stacie, don't call her that," Aubrey ordered softly.

"It's only said jokingly, babe and besides, she knows I don't mean it."

"It's okay, Stace, she is a little porker," Beca added.

"I know. When she's feeding straight from Bree, she only stops when the milk comes out of her nose."

"Stacie!" Aubrey gasped.

"What? It's true, babe. I don't blame her though, she's a lucky baby. I'd do the same thing."

"And just like that, I'm completely off having any of my wedding cake..." Beca uttered.

"I think it's sweet," said Chloe. "After all these years together, they still have that spark."

"I suppose but there are still some things we don't need to hear like how Stacie's secret fetish is sucking on Aubrey's boobs."

"What do you mean secret fetish? I do that all the time during sex. Sometimes not during sex either."

"Okay, I'm out!" Beca threw her hands up and left the table.

"You're gonna ruin my wife, Stace," Chloe giggled. "At least give me a little bit to enjoy our marriage."

"I'll try but I'm not promising anything. She's got a weak stomach."

"In her defense," Aubrey began. "Not everybody likes hearing about our sex life."


Chloe laughed at her friends. "Well, as much as I want to stay and chat, I want to dance with my wife."

"Go get her, Chlo!" Stacie cheered.

Chloe stood and walked across the room to where her wife was getting a drink. The redhead stepped in behind the brunette and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a woman to have a dance with," said Chloe. "Preferably a woman with brown hair, blue eyes, and a bangin' bod."

Beca chuckled. "I think I've seen someone fitting that description." She turned around and folded her arms around Chloe's neck.

"Mm, yes..." Chloe purred. "You'll do just fine."

"We'll have to make it quick though. I just got married and my wife will be looking for me."

Chloe chuckled then took Beca's hand and led her onto the dancefloor.

"You're so beautiful," whispered Beca as she swayed to the music with her wife.

"Becs," Chloe blushed.

"You are. You're so beautiful on the inside and out and I'm so happy that I've married you. Best decision of my life."

Just when Chloe's heart couldn't love Beca anymore, her heart grew five times bigger in love with Beca, causing her to lean in and kiss the woman.

"Best decision of my life, too."

Beca smiled proudly and rested her head against Chloe's as they got lost in the music and each other.

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