Chapter IV

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Two years later...

It was a beautiful sunny day in Los Angeles and Chloe and Beca were out at the park walking Billie. It was a peaceful outing for the couple, except for a few fans that approached Chloe and asked for photos and autographs but that was normal. Chloe was always kind and loving towards her fans, making sure to put a bit more effort into them and talk to them for a few moments before moving on. Chloe wasn't one of those celebrities who was quick to take a photo and sign something then leave. No, Chloe knew how excited her fans got whenever they saw her so Chloe wanted to make it worth their time and made sure they had a good experience with her. The last thing Chloe wanted to do was upset or disappoint her fans. Without her fans, Chloe knew she wouldn't be where she was today.

"Little Miss Popular, aren't you?" Beca teased.

"Oh, you know, I get around," Chloe winked.

"Just a little." Beca leaned in and went to kiss the redhead but Chloe pulled away.

"Babe," she uttered.

Beca stopped and sighed. That wasn't the first time Chloe had rejected her like that. The world still didn't know that Beca and Chloe were dating. In fact, everyone still believed that Chloe was dating a man and it crushed Beca. The brunette hated reading the tabloids that kept trying to guess who Chloe's mystery man was. Every time Chloe was with a man, someone snapped a photo and question whether or not she was dating them. It got to the point where Chloe had to clarify that the men she was seen with were just her friends. What killed Beca the most was when Chloe was spotted with her ex Chicago Walp who was a U.S Marine. Everyone thought they had gotten back together and they were so excited. Everyone except for Beca, of course.

Beca hated not being able to tell the world Chloe was hers. She hated that she wasn't able to hold Chloe's hand or touch her or kiss her in public. She hated how everything was a secret between them. The couple were now living together and the world STILL had no idea about them. Beca grew tired of it all and there were times where Beca thought to just tell the world about their secret but she knew that was a quick sure way to make Chloe mad at her. Beca was known as Chloe's best friend and some people even shipped them as a couple but it was only a joke. Beca hated how they pretty much had to act like friends when out in public. Beca hated it all and Chloe knew it, too. Chloe hated hiding as well but she was still scared about what people would think and how they would react.

The couple returned home and Billie went straight for the water bowl while Beca put her lead and harness away quietly. Chloe noticed Beca's mood on the way home and she knew what it was so the redhead approached her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around her petite body and resting her head on her shoulder.

"I love you," Chloe said.

"I love you, too."

Chloe pecked Beca's cheek and Beca went to leave but Chloe stopped her by grabbing her arm, spinning her around, and pinning her to the wall.

"What are you doing?" Beca chuckled.

"Just admiring my hot-ass girlfriend."

"Is this your way of cheering me up?"

"A little. You know I love you no matter what. I know you want us to go public but I'm-"

"Not ready yet. I know. You weren't ready when we met so why would you be ready now?"


"Chlo, come on. We're living together now and we STILL can't say anything. Do you have any idea how much this is killing me?"

Chloe looked down then took Beca's hand. "Soon, okay? I want to tell my parents first."

"When will you do that?"

"I'm not sure. I have to work myself up for it but I'll do it."

Beca sighed but Chloe tilted her head up so they were looking at each other.

"I WILL do it, babe. As you said before, we can't hide our relationship forever."

"No, we can't."

Chloe smiled then planted her lips on Beca's. It was meant to be a soft kiss and it started out that way until the two acted on their instinct and kept kissing, leading to them to make out. The couple made their way into the living room where they fell onto the couch, their kissing heating up. Beca's hands explored Chloe's body, causing to Chloe sitting up and remove her shirt. Beca gulped at the sight and groaned when Chloe forced her tongue down her throat. Beca felt like she was going to explode and even more so when Chloe started to unbutton Beca's pants.

"Mm, wait, wait, wait," Beca urged.

"What?" Chloe panted. "What's wrong?"

"I... I don't think we should do this right now."

"What? Bec,"

"I know, I know... It's not that I don't want to, babe. You know I do but you also know that I respect you too much to have sex with you right now. It's not the right time."

"When will it be though? You turn me down every time."

"You know when, babe."

Chloe sighed and nodded her head because she did know. When it came to relationships and physical intimacy, Beca was very traditional to the point where she didn't want to have premarital sex. She loved Chloe and respected her too much to do that. Beca wanted to wait until they officially tied the knot. They had been together for years and still hadn't slept together, which was fine. It didn't affect their relationship in any way. Chloe understood and respected Beca's decision. Chloe even admired her for it and it was one of the many reasons Chloe loved the brunette but because Chloe DID love Beca so much, she wanted to have sex with her and share that special connection but Beca turned her down every time Chloe tried.

"I still love you, Chloe and I would LOVE to have sex with you, like, you wouldn't believe but I want to wait," Beca explained.

"Okay," Chloe nodded. "We can wait."

"Thank you." Beca sat up and kissed her girlfriend lovingly.

One of the amazing things about Chloe was that she never held a grudge against Beca. It wasn't who Chloe was and she couldn't find it in her heart to do so anyway. As much as Chloe wanted to rip off her girlfriend's clothes and ravish her, Chloe respected Beca's wishes and was happy to wait. Chloe loved Beca too much to force herself onto the younger woman and the redhead knew that their first time together was going to be perfect.

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