~Chapter 3~

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Todoroki's POV~

After I got ready to see my father I killed time by reading a little bit, but then my phone started ringing.
[incoming call: Flaming Trash]
"Yes?" I answered the phone
"Shouto, I have something to do; I won't be home for a while. I still expect you to be there by 10!" He said harshly before hanging up.
"I guess I might as well go now" I thought to myself as I grabbed my bag and began walking home.

The walk was peaceful to my surprise but, the mood changed the second my house came to view. All the memories of my childhood resurfaced, I could remember all the times I was pulled away from my siblings or all the times mother or I were hit by father.

Walking in the house instantly sent a wave of loneliness my way since all of my siblings have moved out. I walked to my room and placed my bag on the ground and got into appropriate clothes to train in.

A few hours past I just doing some light training until the door forcefully opened to revealed a pissed off Endeavor.
"Let's begin" he Said in his angered tone.
'This'll be a long day' I thought to myself.

Bakugou's POV~

I was just drawing things in my sketch book when I heard the door to Todoroki's room slam shut, then a sound came from his room; it sounded like glass shattering.
'I thought he wasn't meant to be back til tomorrow' I thought to myself as I walked to his door to check on him.

"Todoroki?" I called out after knocking three time.
"Go away" was all I heard from the other side of the door which made me concerned.
"Come on Todoroki! Open the door" I demanded which seemed to work since next thing knew I was face-to-face with Todoroki except his face was all bruised and bloody and he had tears streaming down his face.

"What do you want?" Todoroki spat
"I want to know what the fuck happened" I said as I allowed myself into his room to see his mirror was shattered with a visible fist mark on it. Turning around I saw his fist covered in blood with small shards of glass in it.

"Todoroki. What the fuck?!" I yelled which caused him to flinch.
"Wait here" I mumbled as I walked past him and into my room only to return with a first aid kit.

"Why the fuck did you punch the mirror?" I asked as I got Todoroki to sit down on this bed while I sat across him to start patching up his fist and face.
"I was angry" was all he said not meeting my gaze.

After patching up his fist and face there was an akward silence until I broke it,
"Come on" I said.
"What?" He questioned.
"Come on, follow me we're going to get ice cream" I said
"Fine" he reluctantly agreed as if he had a choice.

As we walked down the street we could see the sun setting, I looked over to see Todoroki looking all gloomy. Before I could even think of what I was doing, I held his uninjured hand to comfort his which seemed to work since he no longer looked gloomy; more surprised if anything.

"So what happened" I asked looking straight forward
"I-i-......my father" he said in a sad tone, I squeezed his hand slightly to let him know that it's okay and that he can take his time.
"He said that I haven't improved, so he.... well y'know.... apparently that's his method to teach me a lesson; then he kicked me out so I walked back".
To say I was angry at his father was an understatement but i knew screaming would do nothing but draw attention that I'm sure Todoroki doesn't want.

Once we walked into the ice cream shop we let go of our interlocked hands which I saw a small frown grow of Todoroki's face 'did he enjoy holding hands?' I wondered to myself before the lady behind the counter started serving us.

After getting our ice cream we started walking back to UA, a few minutes passed of us walking side by side. I felt Todoroki interlock of hands which brought a smile to my face as I continued eating my ice cream. The rest of the walk was in a comfortable silence which was nice until UA came into view which meant soon I'm going to have to let go of his hand.

Walking through the gates and to the dorms it didn't seem like Todoroki was going to let go which I was fine with so we just continued walking up the stairs to his room. We finally let go but before I could walk to my room I felt myself being pulled into an embrace by non other then Todoroki himself I immediately accepted the embrace hugging him back with a small smile on my face.

"Thank you Bakugou" he whispered
"Anytime Shorty" I whispered back which earned a small laugh from him before he walked into his room and I walked back to mine.

I love you too [BakugouxTodoroki]Where stories live. Discover now