~Chapter 2~

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A/N: in this story Todoroki is shorter then Bakugou bc it's cute XD Also Todoroki's dorm room is next to Bakugou's dorm room:)

Todoroki's POV~

After I decided that I was going to the shops I threw on some ripped black jeans, a white turtleneck and a black jacket; since it's starting to get a little bit chilly in the evenings. I walked out of school and went down the street, turning at the lights. After walking for a little while I heard a familiar yell coming from the arcade, which was right next to the shop I was heading into.

I decided to ignore it hoping I misheard but right before I went inside the shop I heard "Yo! Todoroki, what are you doing here?" I turned to see Kirishima.
"Oh hello Kirishima, I was going to buy some Soba" I responded, before Kirishima could say anything else the rest of the Bakusquad walked out including the person I've been trying to get out of my head.

"Oi Shitty hair! What are yo-..... Icyhot? What the fuck are you doing here?" Bakugou said raising his voice a little.
"I'm just buying some soba" I said trying to keep my usual monotone expression but failed when i slightly cringed at Bakugous tone.

Bakugou's POV~

I was just trying to see where Shitty hair went since we were about to leave but no! Of corse not! Icyhot just had to be at the same place. I noticed the way he cringed at my tone, was I too loud? Too aggressive? Whatever! Why should I care?.

Once Todoroki went into the shops the rest of the "squad" left leaving Shitty hair and I alone.
"You know... it wouldn't hurt to be a little nicer to Todoroki, I mean considering you like him and all" shitty hair said to me.

"Why the fuck should I? He doesn't even like me, I don't thinks he's even gay" I replied my voice getting softer.
"Trust me he likes you! He probably doesn't even know it yet but, I can tell. When you walked out I saw him show a soft smile without him even realising it! And Todoroki never smiles!" He said showing a huge smile.
"You really think so?" I asked.
"I know so" he responded with confidently.
"I'll see you tomorrow" I said turning back around to the direction of the arcade.

Todoroki's POV~

Once I finished paying for the soba I walked out of the shop only to see none other then Bakugou himself leaning against a light post, I couldn't help but admire the black jeans he wore with a black top and a jacket that had his signature orange 'X' on the front and back.
"Are you just gonna stare or are you ready to go Icyhot?" He said staring me directly in the eyes
'How long have I been staring?!' I thought to myself slightly panicking.
"Huh?" Was all I could respond with since I became a flustered mess at the fact that I was caught staring.
"I'm walking with you back to the dorms, or would you prefer walking by yourself" he asked slightly turning his back to start walking,
"W-wait" I called out and began walking with him.

At first it was a akward silence until.
"Eye contact" was all he said,
"Excuse me?"
"Eye contact. Aizawa said we had to give each other feed back, you need to make eye contact with your opponent since it's kinda hard to dodge attacks when you're not even looking at the attacker" he mumbled in a soft tone.
"R-right! W-well your punches are a bit too high" I replied.
"Nah, You're just short" he said with an amused smirk.
"I am not!" I retaliate but I instantly went quiet when Bakugou leaned down making us face-to-face with our noses nearly touching.
"Oh really?" He Said with a chuckle that I swear made my heart stop.

The rest of the walk we made small conversation like what we do when we aren't training, I ended up learning that Bakugou can draw which was unexpected. A small frown took hold on my face when we came to my door.
"Well night halfie" Bakugou said about to walk away not caring for a response.
"What happened to 'Half and Half bastard' or 'Icyhot'?" I asked with a small smirk which was a huge mistake.
Next thing I know Bakugou leaned down to my ear and whispered "goodnight shorty" and walked into his room like nothing happened; leaving me as a stuttering and flustered mess.

After standing there like an idiot I stumbled into my room unable to process what just happened, I swear my face is now just a permanent bright red. My thoughts we're just full with Bakugou and his voice and his lip- woah what?! 'Why the hell would I even think of that?!'.

My small crisis came to a hold when I got a sudden incoming call from the ID caller of: 'Flaming trash'.
'Yes father?" I said when I picked up the phone in my monotone voice.
"Shouto, tomorrow morning you are expected to be here by 10am sharp. Don't. Be. Late" was all he said before hanging up.
"Just my luck" I mumbled to myself with a sigh.

I packed some clothes in a bag since I would be staying the night at home, other wise known as hell and went to sleep... well at least I wanted to go to bed. Every time I closed my eyes I imagined Bakugou being that close to me again, I kept remembering how he smelt of caramel and how his hair tickled my face when he whispered to me. 'What is going on with me?!' I thought to myself before giving up on sleep and just ended up scrolling through my phone.

Bakugou's POV~

On Saturday's I normally wake up at 5am and go on a small run and when I returned it's normally 6am and either bird guy or Icyhot will be awake.

When I got back from my run I went to the public kitchen and made myself a some French toast and started boiling the kettle for coffee. While the water was boiling, I heard light footsteps coming down the stairs and when I turned I saw Icyhot with a white shirt and red checkered pyjama pants on. His hair looked like a wreak and he had small bags under his eyes 'did he not sleep well? Did he have a nightmare?'I wondered to myself.

"Morning sleeping beauty" I sarcastically said which earned the attention Icyhot
"Morning" was all he said with a small smile.
'I got a smile, that's a good sign; right?' I thought to myself.
Icyhot let of a soft yawn which reminded me of the coffee so I poured him and myself some coffee and served him some of the left over French toast I made.
"Thank you Bakugou, I appreciate it" he said giving me another one of his rare smiles.

"So what are you're plans for today?" I asked trying to strike up conversation, I instantly regretted asking since his mood visibly shifted from happy to sour when he responded with "I have to go home and see my father".

"Sorry for asking" I mumbled not wanted to anger him. Icyhot just turned to me with his expression softening "it's okay Bakugou, you didn't know. What are your plans?" He asked.
"I don't really have any plans to be honest. I'll probably draw or study" I said admiring the small smile that was planted on his face.

After Icyhot finished eating he washed the dishes and was about to go to his room.
"Oi Icyhot, see you around" I said letting him know that I actually care
"Yep I'll see you soon. Oh and by the way Bakugou can you please call me by my name? I'd appreciate it" he said quietly.
"Sure thing Todoroki" I slowly which caused a smile blush to decorate his face.
"Thanks Bakugou" was he said before walking back to his room to get ready to see his father.

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