And on the fifth night..

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So, the 5th night, comes by, and I knocked out about 1 am. 3:23 rolls around, and of course, im awake. Not because of scratching. But because, something has been waking me up at this time the past few nights, so I guess I just naturally woke up around that time. It was 3:33, and I have yet to hear scratches. 10 more minutes go by, 3:43 now. *bannngg!!!!* A bunch of loud banging, and crashing noises, sounded the whole house. It jumped me out of bed so quick! Not minding the possible consequences of me going out there, I bolt to my fathers room for protection. I guess the chaotic noises woke him up too. He seemed nervous. "was that you?? What was that???" he yelled. I started crying to him that I didnt know and that I was scared and wanted to go home. He comforted me, and told me that it was probably nothing. Just his cat Luna, that might have knocked over a pot or two. So he flicked on the nearest light, and crept down the hall, with me, close behind, squeezing onto his shirt for dear life. Once we got to the end of the hall, he flicked the living room light on, and you wouldn't believe it. It looked like a tornado swept through his house. Everything, pans, dishes, food, tables, furniture, they were all over the place! He quickly checked to make sure all doors and windows were locked. Everything was, and he found no signs of forced entry . He decided to call the police and report a possible burglary. They came, searched around, and didn't find anything. My father checked to see if anything was missing. And nope, everything was still there. The police agreed to sit outside the house, over the next 2 nights and watch the house just in case the burglar tried to break in again. Once they left the house, I helped my father clean up. When we were almost done, he began picking up the silverware. He stopped in his tracks, and stared. I asked him "what daddy? What is it?" he slowly reached out and grabbed this old fashioned looking knife. It was rusted, and old, with a beat up, wooden handle. He said that the knife wasn't his and it didnt look familiar. He shook away the thought, set it on the counter and finished tidying up.

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