Chapter 13

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You felt numb.

People stared at you from all angles, the temperature of the room was surprisingly cold, the faint whisper of voices judging you bounced through your surroundings, yet all you heard was the tick of the clock.

All you saw was the backs of your eyelids.

All you felt was your own hands on your lap.

You weren't going to fight anymore, you weren't going to plead or beg or worry, you were just going to sit in total numbness.

After the first hour the fear of the judging eyes had subsided, the whimpers and cries you had made in an attempt to see Loki had amounted to nothingness and the anger and hatred entwined within your core had melted to a gentle simmer.

You was numb and that was the way you wished to stay.

After the second hour you had cleared your throat that was the first audible sound you had heard other than the clock. You released the pressure on your eye lids by peeling them open, as you began to stare at the wall. Eventually you turned your attention to your surroundings, the once five agents and the Avengers had become one man and a book in the corner of the room, unaware you had woken from your trance. His gazed was still fixed on the pages, his hands occasionally moving to his mouth so he could lick his finger in order to lift up the next page.

You hadn't been aware before but now you felt the burning fire in your throat, the pain which felt as though someone was continuously dragging sand paper up and down it. You swallowed the remaining saliva you had left and then proceeded to allow your eyes around the rest of the room.

It looks so different now, before all you saw was red and all you felt was wet salt water tears sticking to your face, but now it was different, it was peace and quiet white walls and a welcoming brown carpet on the floor. It reminded you of a doctors waiting room, a glass table positioned in front of your legs, among it scattered newspapers and magazines. You realised now you were sat on a leather sofa, which was quite long in comparison to the space you took up on the very far right corner, you were astonished the room was so neat, only you could remember being very irrepressible before. You snapped out of your daze and tried to swallow again, but your mouth was too dry, you were desperate for a drink. Though the urge was easily fought down by the idea of drawing attention to yourself. You looked back at the agent in the corner, he was a strong looking man, with broad shoulders and a prominent jaw line, his eyes were piercing green and they contrasted with his almost bleached blonde hair.

After about ten more minutes of deliberating you decided you would get up and ask him for a drink, you wanted to make a point that you weren't a raged lunatic now and you were going to behave. You placed your right arm on the arm of the sofa and began to lift yourself up, preparing you aching body to stretch. However before you made it to that point you heard a noise from your memory only hours before, the jangle of a chain, a chain which linked two hand cuffs together. You looked down to much dismay at the metal hoop trapping your ankle you sighed and began to pull it forward until the chain was taught from the end on your ankle to the end on the leg of the sofa. This made a louder noise and it caused the agent in the corner to snap up, almost as though he had been sleeping and realised he was late for work.

Before you could form a coherent sentence he unlatched his gun and pointed it at you shouting at you, "HANDS ON YOUR HEAD..." you looked at him confused had you really been that bad before, you complied you weren't in a mood to argue nor fight.

"Good," he said this time at a normal pitch, carefully moving closer to you, his gun still fixed to you, "now sit back down..."

You did as you were told.

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