End Version 2

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After all these events, the boys started noticing a change in not only Jungkook's behaviour, but in the letters as well. He was getting bolder, initiating skinship, kissing them on the cheeks, flirting back sometimes and they were ecstatic.

Thoughts of doing an official confession started to emerge and the boys were in the midst of brainstorming the most perfect confession when the most embarrassing thing they could've ever imagined happened.




He found the group chat.


It all happened on a beautiful Saturday. The sky was blue, the birds were shining, Jungkook was happy and healthy. Everything was right in the world.

Taehyung had invited everybody over to watch a Disney marathon as a celebration for finishing really important presentations at school. The theme of the night was magical, so all the boys came over in fun clothes/costumes. However, they still wanted to be comfortable so most of the costumes were minimalistic. For example, Namjoon wore black sweatpants and a tight shirt that showed off his gorgeous body. But he also wore a Harry Potter cape and had his own wand. Each of the boys came as different magical characters. Namjoon was a sorcerer, Jimin was an angel ( >ω●), Taehyung was a werewolf, Jin was a vampire, Hoseok was a fairy, Yoongi was a dwarf (he lost a bet to Jimin) and Jungkook was a princess.

They had begged him to come as a princess and after seeing Hoseok's puppy eyes, he was quickly convinced. The costume wasn't over the top but he put his long hair into space buns ("you can be princess Leia" Taehyung proposed excitedly), a cute pink t-shirt that had 'princess' in glitter on it (a gift from Jin), and a little tiara to complete the look.

"YOU LOOK SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Jin yelled when he saw Jungkook walk in, startling the poor boy so bad that he tripped backward.

"Calm down," Jimin chuckled as he lightly hit Jin's shoulder, ignoring his complaints in favour of helping Jungkook up. "But he is right, you look like a true princess," Jungkook mumbled a thank you and sat down on the couch, far from all the others. It was his first time at Taehyung's house and he didn't want to overstep any boundaries.

One thing the boys learned quickly into their friendship with Jungkook is that he expressed himself in actions instead of words. So they rapidly caught on to his mannerisms.

"Come here," Taehyung ordered in a bright tone when he saw Jungkook awkwardly sit away from them. "I want to cuddle." Jungkook turned pink at the simple words and nodded shyly. He hesitantly crawled close to the others and yelp when Jimin suddenly grabbed his hips and moved him in the middle of everybody.

"Much better!" Hoseok exclaimed as he nuzzled into Jungkook's neck.

"Y-yeah, much better," Jungkook softly admitted as he sighed happily at all the love and affection he was receiving from his crushes. Heaven is real~ Jungkook thought as he watched all of the boys interact joyfully, their laughter warming his heart and their smiles making him melt.

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