Part 2

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It's not that Namjoon is stupid. Not at all actually! His way of thinking is so unique as it seems that he can consider every possible consequence and rightfully assume which one will occur. His plan was amazing, genius even. However, he forgot to take one important thing into consideration.

"How is he so oblivious?!" Taehyung whined as he laid down on the grass of the field.

It has been five months since the day they found out about Jungkook being BunBun and sadly nothing really has changed. But it's not like the boys didn't try. Namjoon's plan consisted of 5 steps.

Step 1. Befriends him, get to know him and build some trust.

Step 2. Test out skinship, look to see if he's okay with it.

Step 3. Compliment him, make him feel loved.

Step 4. Send out subtle hints that you are interested in more.

Step 5. Wait for him to do something.

These steps were supposed to make Jungkook trust them and their love for him enough that confessing wouldn't be too scary for him.

"Why are we waiting for him to confess again?" Jin complained from next to Taehyung.

"We don't want to overwhelm him." Namjoon tried answering calmly, but his frustrations were clear from how his chin was jutted out.

They had completed these steps perfectly, but Jungkook's obliviousness made all their hard work fall flat since he considered all their actions platonic. The boys know that he still likes them since he still sends them love letters daily, so it's not like he doesn't want to confess.

"You know, for the smartest kid in our school, he sure is stupid." Yoongi bitterly said as laid down on Hoseok's lap and ordered him to pet his hair.

"Now, now. Jungkookie is very smart. He'll pick it up soon, we just need to wait." Hoseok calmly stated to try and brighten up their moods.

"But I don't want to wait! I want to kiss him and cuddle him, and NOT in a PLATONIC way!" Taehyung whined with a pout. All the others nodded along, agreeing with Taehyung's sentiment, but at this point, they had no idea what to do.

"Plus! People are talking to him more now that Prom is near. I had to get Sally's sticky fingers off of him yesterday and I almost punched her punchable face." Jimin recounted with a scowl that said that he still wasn't over it. This sort of event was also one of the reasons for their impromptu pity party on the field. Recently, people have been flirting with Jungkook, not that he would know considering his obliviousness, and it has been driving the 6 boys crazy.

"We need to take the matter in our own hands. Fuck waiting. I'm done being the princess waiting for his prince. From today forward, Jungkook is the princess and we are the princes going to seduce him" Jin ordered, fully serious. He put his hand down and all of the others nodded along and they joined their hands. "Our new strategy starts today. No longer are we going to be subtle. Fuck subtle. We are now shameless." Jin looked around to make eye contact with each of the boys and was proud to see the same fire in their gazes. "Shameless on three. 1! 2! 3!"

"SHAMELESS!!" A new purpose burned in their chests and they smirked at each other, excited with the prospect of finally being the boy they so desperately want to be with.

(And while they were having their moment, everybody else outside was looking at them like they were crazy hehe)

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