Part 1

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"Kookie, come to eat breakfast!" Jungkook heard his dad scream from downstairs.

"I don't have time!" He frantically answered as he ran down the stairs. He quickly kissed his dad's cheek, ignoring his complaints, and grabbed an apple.

"Bye! Love you!" Jungkook rapidly looked at his phone and sighed in relief. 6:30, I have time.

Jungkook was in his senior year of high school and was one of the smartest people in the school. This was due to the fact that he worked really hard and spent most of his time working. It also helps that I have no friends, he thought to himself with a smile. Not having friends didn't really bother him. He had moved to Seoul two years ago but still stayed in contact with his friends from Busan. He was really close with them even if they lived far away, but they always managed to make Jungkook not feel lonely.

Jungkook smiled at the thought of his friends and sighed happily. Losing himself in his thoughts, he swiftly reached the school, which was only a 15-minute walk from his house.

"Hello, Joe!" Jungkook greeted the security guard who smiled at him.

"Hey there Jungkookie! Early again?" Joe cheekily asked, knowing why Jungkook came to school at 7 when school started at 8:30. Jungkook blushed and shyly nodded, the other laughing fondly in response. Joe had always been curious as to why Jungkook came early, not believing his excuses that he wanted to catch up on work since the younger is known for spending any free time he has on work. So he wasn't shocked when he caught Jungkook slipping notes in the lockers of the 6 most popular boys of the school. Jungkook had begged him not to tell anybody and since then, Joe would tease him any time he could.

Jungkook walked into the school and turned on the lights of the hallways. He did his normal routine which consisted of making coffees for Joe, the other security guard, the receptionists and the couple teachers who came early. All of the teachers and staff of the school loved Jungkook, even going as far as letting him hang out in the teachers' room if the library was too busy.

Jungkook then prepared his bag for his classes and reread over his hand-written letter. He usually wrote a letter for one of the boys every day, and occasionally wrote six if it was special. Today's letter was for Hoseok.

Dear Hoseok,

Tomorrow is the school show and I'm so excited to see you perform. I heard that you are nervous and I just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't be nervous. Your dancing is amazing and there is no one else in our school who is as hypnotizing as you when performing. The way you express yourself through dancing is jaw-dropping and I already know that you'll win the contest.

I'll be cheering for you from the audience.



Jungkook reread it a second time to make sure there are no spelling mistakes. After approving, he quickly went to his locker, looking around to be sure nobody saw him and slipped it in. Jungkook ran away blushing, going to his usual spot in the library.

He immersed himself in work, listening to music when he looked at the time, 8!

He packed up his stuff quickly and fast walked to the lockers. Students started entering the school, some greeting him which he answered with a shy wave. He opened his locker and pretended to be occupied. He was lucky enough to have his locker close to the boys' lockers.

He waited for 5 minutes when they finally entered. It seemed as though the whole school paused to appreciate them. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung.

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