Chapter Two- Up To Something

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Let's get Schwifty!

Harry's P.O.V

The second I made it to the boys dormitories I made Ron and Hermione sit down.

"Bloody Hell! What is going on mate?" Ron exclaimed.  I shook my hands out in front of me. 

"You're not going to believe me but I know what I felt!" I started off with.  I paced in front of them for a second before pausing and taking a deep breath. 

"Just spit it out already, Harry! Class is starting soon and I refuse to be late on the first day!" Hermione yelled.

"It's Draco!" I replied.  "He's up to something."

Ron and Hermione didn't make a single move. 

"Don't be ridiculous, Harry. The war is over! He isn't up to anything!" Hermione said first, breaking the silence.

"No, Hermione, just listen-"

"I think he's right Hermione.  Draco's always up to something, that evil twit! He's a Death Eater after all," Ron interrupted, putting his two cents in.

"Was a Death Eater.  Who he was during the war doesn't define him anymore, Ron," Hermione corrected.

I nodded my head in agreement whilst Ron reluctantly did the same.

I sat myself down in the bed in front of theirs while Hermione stood up from her position.

"Look, Harry.  Draco might be up to something but that's no longer any of our business.  We need to focus on having a nice easy year.  And both of you need to stop acting like such children.  We're eighteen now and it's time we moved on and started focusing on N.E.W.T's!"

Hermione droned on about the same stuff she usually did while Ron and I tuned out and waited for her to finish.


Later that night, I quietly made my way to my trunk.  

I needed to find the marauders map.  Despite what Hermione had said about Draco's business not being my business I had a strong feeling that it should be my business.  So when I found the marauders map I let out a victory cheer before realizing where I was and pausing.  

When I didn't hear any sound I knew that the coast was clear and everyone was still asleep.  

Still wearing my pajamas, I placed the invisibility cloak over myself and made my way out of the dormitories and into the common room.


My wand lit up the paper before me and i searched for the little footprints of Draco Malfoy.  It took me a minute but when I finally found him I was confused as to why he'd be in the prefects bathroom.

It's two in the bloody morning! Who takes a bath this late at night?

Definitely suspicious.

I made my way out of the common room and headed towards the fifth floor where I knew the bathroom would be.  I turned to the left of the Statue of Boris the Bewildered.  I paused in my tracks as I realized that I didn't have the password.

I wouldn't be able to get in. 

With a defeated sigh I made my way back to bed.


The next morning I woke up with a newfound motivation to figure out what happened in the prefects bathroom.

I refuse to let Malfoy get away with whatever he's trying to do.

So, without breakfast, I went to the abandoned girls bathroom to find Myrtle.

I made sure no one was in there before walking in just in case someone was.  I looked in all of the stalls but I couldn't find her. There's only one other place she could be.  I gathered my dignity and threw it out the window. 

I bent over one of the toilets and yelled, "Myrtle!"

I was startled when she responded, "yes, Harry?"

I turned around to face her and hoped that she didn't see me bending over the toilet.

"I-I was wondering . . . did you happen to see Malfoy in the prefects bathroom last night?"

"Hmm, depends.  What do I get out of it if I tell you?" She asked with a high-pitched giggle.  I cringed and shied away from her wink.

"Please Myrtle! It's important," I begged.

She pouted with a heavy sigh before replying, "Well if you must know I wasn't in the bathrooms last night."

Well that was a dead end.

"Thanks anyways Myrtle," I responded dejectedly.  With slumped shoulders I headed for the door.


I paused and glanced back at Myrtle.

"I could watch out for him if you'd like." She smiled sweetly at me.

"Really! That'd be great Myrtle-"

"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast.  I'll do it . . . for a price."

My heart sunk and my stomach dropped.


A few minutes later I raced from the girls bathroom in a frenzy.

I had to get out of there.  I couldn't believe I had gone so low as to make a deal with a ghost! And I actually followed through with it! The feeling of her cold lifeless lips melding against mine will forever be carved into my brain.

Kissing a ghost was just a sacrifice I would have to be willing to make to get to the bottom of this. Even if it left me forever scarred.

I made my way to the Great Hall for breakfast and sat down next to Ron with Hermione in front of me.  

"Where were you mate?" Ron asked.  I shivered at the memory of what I had been doing.

"Nowhere. Just . . . had to use the restroom."

"Ok.  Well try some of this sausage, It's good."

I glanced down at the food laying before me and felt my stomach lurch at the thought of eating. Not after I still had the memory stuck in my head. No way.

"No thanks. I'm not hungry."

I spent the rest of breakfast staring at Malfoy and making sure he didn't do anything suspicious. When it was time to go to class I almost jumped for joy when I realized that I had potions with Malfoy. It was the perfect opportunity to keep an eye on him.

When we made it to potions, Hermione and Ron immediately partnered up leaving me alone.  Glancing across the room I noticed that Malfoy didn't have a partner yet.  

I quickly made my way towards him.

"Hey, Malfoy, do you maybe wanna-"


"But everyone else already has a partner and this is a partner project!" I tried reasoning.

He glanced up from his book and my heart jumped at the memory of his entrancing eyes.  But the second they landed on mine I instantly relaxed.  

The were normal again.  Just their usual silver.


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