Chapter 5 - Part 2

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I was pacing my apartment feeling more frustrated and irritated by the second. The phone rang and rang. Come on Jack, pick up. It went to voicemail and I wanted to throw my phone agains the wall.

Mark had stayed until his guy had replaced my front door lock with some fancy new age state of the art lock that I could unlock with my phone. I was happier with my conventional one with a key but I let Mark have his way so I could get rid of him.

Since he had left an hour ago I had been trying to get hold of Jack to no avail. That little weasel. I was so angry I could hit something and I wasn't a violent person but that asshole brought out the worst in me.

I had an appointment tomorrow and I needed my equipment. I couldn't do the photo shoot without them. The camera I still had with me wouldn't be sufficient to pull off the shots I needed. It would be too late to try and rent what I needed. My only alternative would be to reschedule it but that was a last resort.

Jack knew I needed my stuff to be able to earn a living. I still couldn't figure out what he had hoped to gain by doing something so childish.

My phone rang but I was disappointed only to see my sister's name flashing as the ID of the incoming call.

"Hi," I greeted.

"Hey," she said. "Have you got the keys back?"

I let out a heavy sigh. "No."

"Have you got hold of him yet?"

"No. He took my stuff."

The was a pause. "What stuff?"

"My camera equipment."

"I don't understand."

I told her what happened when I got back to my apartment with Mark.

"That asshole!"

So any thought that this could easily be sorted went right out the window. I still didn't understand why Jack would take my stuff. Was it a way of proving a point? Or making my life difficult because I'd been the one to end it? I chewed my lip as I contemplated what I was going to do. Going to my brother now was out of the question. An image of a disapproving Mark was enough for me to avoid that route all together besides I had just spun him a lie about my equipment being stored elsewhere.

"I don't know what I'm going to do," I said, feeling tired. I sank down into the sofa and propped my feet up on the nearby coffee table making some space by moving some stuff to the side.

"You're going to have to go and see him," my sister stated the obvious next move. "I'm not sure I want you to do that alone."

"I have to, I can't let him get away with this." If he refused to give me my stuff back I would have to report him to the cops for stealing my stuff and I wasn't sure my brother wouldn't find out. He had connections there.

"Let me come with you."

"No, I can sort this out on my own." I sat up, determined to put an end to the drama as quickly as I could on my own.

"I don't know if that's a good idea-"

"He won't hurt me." I said it with more conviction than I felt. I also never believed he would take my stuff in an underhanded move he had pulled. Maybe I didn't really know him well at all but I squashed the apprehension.

"At least call me when you get there. If I don't hear back from you I'll call Matt."

"I'll be fine," I assured her. "Please don't call Matt. I'll call you when I'm done."

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