Chapter 2 - Part 1

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I got that he cared, like my family but enough was enough.

My brother and Mark had both become bodyguards right out of high school which had led them to opening a security business. My brother's last job had been to protect his now fiancé, Sarah. It had been his last job as a bodyguard. Now he ran the business from a nice office instead of in the field. I didn't know all the details of the jobs they worked on but I knew Mark wasn't currently assigned to a job.

It wouldn't be long before he was. I hated to think of him putting his life on the line to protect a stranger.

I struggled with that for both him and my brother. It was the part of their job I hated.

I would never forget when Matthew had been shot while he had been protecting Sarah. When my mom had called me sobbing to tell me it had felt like my whole world had tilted on its axis. Thankfully he had made a speedy recovering and once he become serious about Sarah he given up being a bodyguard to manage the company.

But Mark was still risking his life on a daily basis. It was something I tried not to think about for fear it would drive me crazy.

So far he had never been injured but I knew it would only be a matter of time before something like that happened and I waited with dread.

"Is that headache making you extra grumpy?" he asked with a smirk.

"No it's the bodyguard who is annoying me." I couldn't help snapping back. The alcohol had loosened my tongue and I wasn't going to back down like I would have before.

"That's not what I'm trying to do. I just don't want anything to happen to you. I see bad things happen to people everyday." He shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers. There was a darkness in his eyes and it made me wonder what he had witnessed in his job. I couldn't imagine dealing with life and death on a daily basis. My most extreme day to day stress was making deadlines.

It made me look at him differently. He looked so effortlessly smart with a white button up shirt open by the collar. His hair a little longer than usually and I liked it. It made him look younger.

"Your job has made you neurotic. I'm fine, just a little absent minded." I didn't want to argue with him.

I dropped my arms and leaned against the back of the lift. It felt like the lift was taking forever or was it my need to escape that was making it feel longer.

"Besides your job entails putting you in the way of people doing bad things." I reminded him. He studied my silently. "If anyone in this lift had a reason to worry it would be me." Suddenly my mouth felt dry as he continued to watch me possibly taking in the telltale signs of how I felt about him.

"Do you spend a lot of time worrying about that?" he asked. All smiles gone. I had walked into that without thinking about it and I wished I had just kept quiet.

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