Lizards Comfort

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His mother went quite for weeks. After the day he killed those sailors she couldn't bear to look at him. Sure, she had comforted him there when he couldn't believe what he had done, but after words she clammed up. The aftershock of the event still rattled him, causing him to wake up screaming in the middle of the night. While hunting he would collapse at the sudden drainage of his emotional and physical strength. On worse days he would lie there on the jungle floor waiting until dusk for someone to find him. On better days he would crawl home. Being raised on an uncharted paradise island, Marcellus knew what loneliness felt like, but he never knew the true meaning of solitary until know. 

It seemed like nobody in the world cared anymore. He picked up a pebble and chucked it as far as he could into the ocean. Water slid down his skin sparkling in the sunlight, but Marcellus didn't feel special. He sat alone on the cliffs he smashed an entire ship against three days ago. Even the seagulls had vanished from the burial ground. 

Marcellus screamed in agony. The sound reverberated off the sky and danced back down to earth taunting him. Everything taunted him. The ocean went on kissing the shore as if to say "No one will ever love you" the trees smacked his arms like bullies. Clouds drifted past the sky threatening a storm that never came and every time he looked in the mirror he didn't see Marcellus. He saw each face of those sailors as the stared at death. No he didn't see blond curls with bright blue eyes. He saw what it looked like when one experiences death. 

Marcellus curled up into a ball on the rocky shore, a sob racking his body. There were things in the world he knew a lot about, but what he had done and the monster that had controlled him were not them. How had he done it? The feeling of elation as the blood ran over his claws became his drug. It was addictive. Marcellus yearned for more, he wanted to kill more, but he knew it was wrong. Humans don't kill each other without a price to pay. A steep price, Marcellus thought, one that doesn't leave you until death. His mind shook with his body, rocking back and forth. Something about that unearthly power fascinated him, and that frightened him. Why did he want to kill so bad? It wasn't right, it wasn't moral, it wasn't... human.

A sob racked his chest as he screamed, "HELP!" The word kept attacking the winds violently shaking the world. Marcellus feared himself. He was terrified of what he could do and what he wanted to do. His voice screamed over and over again pleading. No one came.

"Hey kid! I'm here stop your yelling," A nasally voice barked from behind him. Shock ran through his veins as he turned to look. There was nothing but rock and green lizard commonly found on the island. 

"Hellooo!" The voice said "Right here!"

Marcellus gawked bewildered. He really just lost his sanity.


Marcellus' eyes looked down from the tree line and too the lizard. There, defying the laws of logic was the lizard waving. He smiled amicably before greeting, "Howdy!" 

"Gagh!" Marcellus squealed while scotching away as fast as possible. The lizard chuckled as it slithered onto his leg. Macellus's eyes widened at the scaly green creature curling up on his short's pocket. The big brown inspected his shirtless form interested. He felt as if the lizard peeled away layers of his skin to further inspect the DNA in his blood. 

"Interesting," It purred before getting back to business, "So, Marcie, what's your problem."

"What?" Marcellus asked shock still moving sluggishly through his systems. His conflicting emotions had been halted. Animals didn't speak English. Humans didn't wondrously morph their hands into claws and go on a killing spree either. Marcellus gulped down the swell of craziness rising in his throat. 

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