Greetings and Killings

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A cool wind caressed his forehead while the pristine sand wrapped his toes in a cocoon of warmth. His lithe fingers criss-crossed behind his honey colored curls. Slowly his bare chest moved up and down gleaming under the sun’s rays. Contentment floated creamily through the air, palpable to anyone walking by. The boy breathed deeply, his conscience mind keeping a slight grasp on reality as the waves gently kissed the sand shores. A pelican glided overhead and the smell of sweet hibiscus filled the atmosphere. Serenity descended upon the lonely beach where one boy laid down breathing in the tangible scents of paradise.

“Marcellus!” a faint voice carried throughout the air mixing in with the ocean’s song. “Marcellus!” It came again louder, causing he boy to peek out from under his eyelids. Shocking periwinkle iris gazed lazily into the bright blue sky. His ears perked up, probing the peace for a sound. “Marcellus Elijah Allswede! Where are you!?”

The boy sat up from the sand before peering back into the forest foliage. He could imagine his mother, frustrated at his disappearance. Her old bony fingers would be curled into fists and resting on her hips. Meanwhile hazelnut eyes would scan his shirtless self with an emotional mix of annoyance and reminiscence. With lips wavering between a smile and a grimace, her head would shake sending a few strands of curly coffee colored hair out of her ponytail. The feel of her iron grip on his shoulder would foreshadow the lecture, “Don’t go wandering around the island without telling me first, Marcellus.” A cringe pinched his features as he saw the image perfectly in his head. Pelicans squawked overhead while he debated whether to answer the giver of his birth or to ignore her.

He’d have to decide quick since her alto voice sounded closer than last time, “Marcellus where are you! Get back here! Don’t think I can’t send Roberto after you!”

Marcellus winced before straightening to a standing position. Cupping his tanned hands around his lips he bellowed, “I’m here!!”

“And where exactly is here?” His mother scorned, but he began to see the banana leaves shake. In a couple of seconds his mother’s harassed scowl poked out between two shrubs. Following that were her scratched up arms, shoulders, and torso. Marcellus sulked as Roberto glared at him from a top his mother’s shoulders.

“There you are,” His mother exclaimed slightly out of breath. On cue, her fists went to her hips and that look came over her face. “What am I to do with you?”

Roberto squealed before leaping from her shoulder. Once on the beach he found a pebble and grasped it. Then making a show of himself, he pounded it vigorously into the sand pantomiming that Marcellus was underneath.

Marcellus muttered, “For a lemur he sure is violent.”

"Violent," his mother agreed swinging the lemur back onto her arm, "but efficient in finding little boys who like to run off." Those hazelnut eyes bore into Marcellus's embarrassed face. His eyes became glued to the sparkling sand and his ears burned red. He couldn't help his need to get out of that tree house hut thing. Everything in there was quaint, comfortable, homey, as if there was nothing else to life besides settling down and having a family. The thought made him sick. Marcellus wanted to get out, to live his life, be adventurous, and see the world in his books. Kings and Queens, Empires, Knights in shining amour, and armies of barbarians filled his imagination. Nothing seemed more perfect than to be off that god forsaken paradise island. But mother liked it, so they stayed. 

"C'mon," his mother brought him into a tight embrace "Let's get back to the house ok? Or are you going to stay here and daydream?"

Marcellus looked up at her guiltily. That sly smile spread across his cheeks, but it was cut off instantly. A cloud of worry crossed his mother's eyes as she looked beyond him out to the ocean. Even Roberto began to sound the warning screech. Suspicion itched marcellus' back as he pulled away from his mother and looked out to sea.

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