Truth or Dare Chapter 3

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(Alright!!! Time for some more truth and dares!! We actually have quite a few this time too!)

Ryuga: *sarcastically* Yay...

(*laughs* alright our first dare goes to..Yu!!)

Yu: Yay!! Me again!!

(*chuckles* Yu, your dare is to say the most scariest words ever "I like trains.")

Dark Tsubasa: That isn't even scary..*rolls eyes*

Yu: I like trains!!

Tithi: *goes to a corner scared* It was too! *puts his mask on*

Dark Tsubasa: *sighs and facepalms*

(I didn't think that was scary either but okay..Moving on!! Our next dare goes to...Tsubasa!! Tsubasa, your dare is to sing a song about Yoyo..which I believe she means Kyoya..oh and here's a mic)

Kyoya: *eye twitches at the nickname*

Tsubasa: *takes the mic and sighs* This is going to be embarrassing..

He takes a deep breath then starts to sing about Kyoya.((going to skip the song because I couldn't think of anything sorry :P))

(*Fangirls at Tsubasa's singing* He sings so beautifully..)

Tsubasa: *gives the mic back to me then walks back to spot and covers face with knees* Please tell me nobody recorded that..

Dark Tsubasa: I'm sure nobody did.. *smirks*

(Alright! Now that *fangirls a bit* is over with..let's get back with our next dare!Ooohh this is gonna be good!! *Ahem* the next dare goes to...Gingka and Masamune!!)

Masamune: Both of us?!

Gingka: This can't be good..

(You guys dare is to fight each other!!)

Masamune: Let's do this Gingka!!!

Gingka: Okay!!

Gingka and Masamune start to fight which lasts about an hour since none of them really gave up.

Ryuga: This is getting boring!! Finish already!!

Right when Ryuga said to finish, Gingka beat Masamune.

Gingka: Oh yeah!!

(Gingka wins!! Now somebody take them both to get medical attention.)

Gingka's Dad: I will. *stands up from chair then walks both Gingka and Masamune to the medical room*

~A hour later~Gingka, Masamune & Gingka's Dad returns back in the room which Masamune has a sling over his arm and bandages on his face. Gingka just had to get a bandage on his face and some eye medicine on his black eye Masamune gave him.

(Alright! Now that everyone is settled down! Let's start our last dare which goes to..Kyoya!!)

Kyoya: *growls* Dammit..

(Kyoya, Your dare is to turn into a cat and not a lion!!)

Kyoya: How am I supposed to do that?

(*presses a button and Kyoya turns into a cat with green fur* Awww!!)

Kyoya: *hisses* Meow!!

Madoka: Adorable!!

Hikaru: *Giggles*

Yu: Yoyo's a cute little kitty!!

Kyoya: *hisses at Yu*

After 30 minutes, Kyoya was turned back to normal and was really upset. He didn't want anyone to speak to him for the rest of the day.

(Alright! Let's start the truths!! The first one to say a truth or gets shocked is..Yu!!)

Yu: Again? *shrugs then walks into the truth box and sits in the chair*

(Yu? Is it true you'd prefer Tithi over Tsubasa?)

Yu: Their both really close to me but..I've known Tsubasa for longer time so I would say I don't prefer Tithi over Tsubasa Even though he can be a pain at times..

Tithi: *nods head in an understandable way*

(Well, appears you were telling the truth.)

Yu: *walks out of the truth box happily*

(Alright the next person to say a truth or get shocked is...Gingka!)

Gingka walks slowly into the truth box and sits on the chair

(Gingka, have you ever met your mother?)

Gingka: *shakes head* Nope..

(Interesting..and seems like you were saying the truth.)

Gingka walks out of the truth box slowly (injured from the fight) and sits back in his spot.

(Alright the last person to say the truth or get shocked is..Ryuga!!)

Ryuga: Dammit..*walks into the truth box angry then sits on the chair*

(Ryuga, do you have feelings for anyone?)

Ryuga: Nope! *suddenly gets shocked and lands on the ground*

Everyone starts laughing except for Tsubasa.

(Liar!! You do care about someone!)

Ryuga: No I don't!! *gets shocked again*

(Tell the truth!!)

Ryuga: Okay!! It's Kenta!! *covers mouth*

(I knew it *smirks*)

Gingka: *laughs* We all knew that

Ryuga: *growls and slams head on ground still stunned from get shocked twice*

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