Chapter 2

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{A Little Too Late} Chapter 2:

(Daniella's POV) "Love you guys bye!" I gave everyone a hug and Ashley a kiss on the head. Brooke and I finally were leaving the house and left the kids with the nanny. She was a good friend of my mom and dads. I also believe she babysat me a couple times when I was a baby. I trusted her with the kids more than anybody. They are like my kids. "Let hell begin." I half laugh as a take a deep breath. "haha well schools finally coming to an end, so only a few more days." Brooke smiled. I took a deep breath admiring the summer air as we walked to the bus stop. We were the only ones at our bus stop thankfully. And a bonus is there is only about 30 kids on the bus. "I just don't know Brooke..." I say as I put my bags down and sit on the curb. "Everythings been crazy. And Aunt Ellen never came back from last night... I'm almost scared Brooke. I can't run everything by myself.. What is Aunt Ellen never comes back..? Atleast she gets paid and pays the bills." Aunt Ellen worked at McDonalds during the day and occasionsly have people pay her to... Do it. No she isn't what you think she is, but she would do that every now and then. But things have been getting harder with her going out even more. "Dani everything is going to be ok. I'm always here to help and I'm always here for you. You can get through this.." Brooke always knew the right things to say. I consider her family, and everything she said was like a motovastional speech. "Thank you." I smile. The more i think about it though... I realize I may have been taking charge and taking care of it all more than I thought. I just couldn't afford to loose all of my family, even if they aren't the best addition like my aunt. My uncle though... I never ever like to think of him ever. Let's just say I never want him near me again and he will be in jail for a very VERY long time. I try to clear my mind, but usually all I can think about now are Ashley, Carter and school. We just sat there in silence until the bus came rolling up next to us. We boarded the bus with jittery girls dressed with a band I recall 'One Direction' merchandise, all over. Shirts, bracelets, sweatshirts, sweat pants, hats... "What" "The" "Heck?" Brooke and I say to eachother every other word. Crazy fangirls everywhere for who knows what reason. The only way I know about One Direction is because Ashley loves their music. She doesn't go deep into the fandom, but she just lives for their music. I did recall hearing in the car with Ashley on the radio that they were on vacation in the area... Brooke and I shrugged and just took our seats in the back back row, my mind flooding with curiosity.

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