Questions and Answers

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Hypnosis is associated with all kinds of misconceptions. I will try to clear up any you might have right here. This chapter will keep getting edited for a while, so if you still have any doubts, leave them in the comment section or, if you are shy, message me directly.

Q: Is hypnosis real?

Definitely. You have certainly already been in a trance even without realizing it.

Q: Is real hypnosis like in the movies?

No, in no way does real hypnosis resemble what you may have seen in films. There, it is commonly associated with mind control, science fiction devices or magic. Real hypnosis is NOT mind control.

Q: Can I be hypnotised against my will, or made to do something I don't agree with?

No, that isn't possible. If you don't want to fall into a trance, you won't. If a hypnotist tries to make you do something you don't agree with while under trance, you will wake up immediately. If you feel unsafe while under trance, you will also come back. Again, real hypnosis is NOT mind control.

It is, however, possible for you to want to go under without noticing it.

Q: "I can't be hypnotised."/ Does hypnosis work for everyone?

Yes, everyone can be hypnotised. Some people are particularly easy to bring under, most people are easy to bring under. Even if you have ADD or other focus disorders, you can also be hypnotised and brought to focus.

The most commonly used method, called a Progressive Relaxation Induction, works on almost everyone. If you find that it takes you a bit longer than usual to go under using this method, there are other options, like Confusion Inductions, that work particularly well on people with focus disorders or who are extremely analytical; or like Instant Inductions, which work particularly quickly, especially on people who believe they "can't be hypnotised".

Everyone can be brought to a trance. Try different methods and find what works best.

Q: What is a trance?

A Trance is simply a state of mental focus. It can vary from a light trance, as the one you are experiencing now, to a very deep trance, which is what we often chase with hypnosis. Trance is a natural state of mind that can be triggered by a lot of day-to-day activities, like watching television, reading, listing to music, studying, meditation and, of course, hypnosis.

Q: What does a trance feel like?

Natural trances usually feel like having tunnel vision. You don't notice that you are so focused until you come back from it. You usually tune out outside influences, like sounds. If you come out suddenly may even feel disoriented as you start understanding your surroundings again. This often happens when reading a really great book or after a particularly nice movie.

Hypnotic can feel like that, but it often feels like a particularly vivid and lucid dream. Some trances will still allow you to understand your surroundings, even though you may perceive them in a different fashion.

That will be all for today. If you have any more questions, doubts or fears about hypnosis, don't be shy and ask! This chapter is here just for that.

Next chapter will likely be a simple deeper induction. Is there anything else you'd love to read?

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