chapter 12 - The Tale of Frankenstein Family

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From 5.11 "Till the Day I Die", in flashback, Riley and Hayley were dancing.

Kaylin: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Originals)."

Riley looked at Hayley. "About what you said before, about being destined for each other, then I guess even after this life, guess we'll meet again in another."

Hayley nodded in agreement. "If we're destined to meet each other in another life, just know... I'll be waiting for another dance."

From 5.10 "There in the Disappearing Light", on the outside balcony, Nicola looked at Elijah. "The urges are stronger than ever, Elijah. I could barely control it the other day, and today. After whatever Rosalita and Maia did to my head, it made it nearly impossible to control. And Tory, Lyla and Rae have been so busy on helping Hope, Emma, Danny and Madison control the Hollow like they should be."

"But you've been controlling it on your own the best you can," Elijah assured. "I'm sure that once everything is calmed down again, Tory, Lyla and Rae will be easily able to help you control the Huntress."

"Not if they're too busy controlling the Hollow, especially if Rae takes in Rosalita like she wants to do," Nicola pointed out. She sighed, holding her head in her hands, deeply worried. "Maybe this is what I deserve after what happened."

From 5.10 "There in the Disappearing Light", in the compound, the parents, Mikayla, Kacie and Elijah were talking.

"So not only did Hope, Emma, Danny and Madison plan to lock the Hollow inside them, now Rae wants to lock Rosalita inside her?" Eliza asked.

From 5.10 "There in the Disappearing Light", in the church, the group came to stop Rosalita, Maia and their vampires.

"Go on, sweethearts," Klaus told them. "Let it all out."

Nicola unleashed some of the urges and need to kill on the vampires. Madison held out her hands, eyes glowing blue, releasing a Banshee scream to stop the other vampires from running, liquefying their organs, making them fall, incapacitated, some dead.

Auria, Freya, Lindsey, Tory, Hope, Emma and Danny walked closer, casting a spell that created a circle of salt around Rosalita and Maia in the form of a boundary spell to keep them trapped, surrounding them, starting the spell on Rosalita. Rosalita started to turn into Hellfire. Rae did a reverse psychic scream, inhaling, so that she could inhale all of the fiery orange power that was Rosalita, able to consume her soul completely, locking her away inside of her, glowing with Hellfire, releasing a scream that released some of her pent up energy, causing everyone massive pain, making them all fall their knees, nearly taking the building down as some of it started to crumble, her eyes glowing with hellfire.

Rosalita: (voice over from 5.10 There in the Disappearing Light) "You know that even if I'm gonna be locked away, I'm gonna haunt everyone you love in their sleep, as they will be terrified if I get free, and what I'll do when I do. You will see me again, and you'll all have one hell of a surprise when you do."

Hope, Emma and Danny released more blue power from the Hollow, sending it right out at Maia and the group behind her, making them fall, seemingly unconscious, causing everyone to be in shock.

Luke: (voice over from 5.10 There in the Disappearing Light) "Hope, Emma and Danny are one human kill away from triggering their werewolf sides. Now, you think they're angry right now, you wait until those claws come out and the eyes turn yellow."

From 5.10 "There in the Disappearing Light", in the courtyard, Hope, Emma and Danny could feel their curses being triggered, groaning in pain, falling to their knees. Rae and Madison stood in shock and worry, as their parents all walked closer in horror, watching as Hope, Emma and Danny's eyes glowed gold for the first time.

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