Chapter Ten

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"Is this the place?" Delilah asks looking around the area as we step out of the black Lexus.

I look too, as the cabin looks antique. Part of the roof is missing, other parts of the cabin have holes in the side as dead trees rest around the yard.

"This is where Tess said he was living before we killed her so, we are going to have to kick our own ass if he doesn't live here, since you killed her."

"Nobody told her to run you know."

"Yeah yeah," I say closing the car door.

"It smells like something died," Delilah says.

"Yep. And that's exactly what I was counting on."

Feeling movement, I stop and rub my growing stomach.

"Now now. Mother has to kick some ass," I say.

"Do you want to sit this one out momma bear?" Delilah asks looking at me with a smirk.

"And miss this fun?"

"Is that even something a mother would say?"

"That depends, is the mother normal? Or a very angry, powerful, supernatural mother?"

"Hmm. Point taken!"

Walking up to the cabin, I hear a faint cry. Sniffing the air, I shake my head and kick the door in. Looking at the now lifeless body, the vampire throws her body and charges at me.

Quickly chanting in Latin, his body flys to the wall, knocking over a picture frame.

"Hi Joshua!" I greet, walking up to him. I look at his pale skin and shake my head as his white shirt and blue jeans are now stained with blood. "Been a while."

"Irina? What the hell man! What are you doing here?" He says with his thick British accent.

"A little birdie told me that you were the last to see my mother. Is that true?"

"Your mom? No. Why? Why would I? Who gave you this information? They're lying!"

"Joshua, Joshua, calm down. Breathe in, and breathe out. We go way back, and you know I'll hurt you if you make me, so just, help me out."

Doing as told, he breathes in and out. "Okay, your mother came to me back before the first war and said she was trying to find a man. Said it was a matter of life and death."

"Who's the man?"

"I-I don't remember," he says stuttering.

Delilah pulls out a silver blade and smiles.

"I can't remember!" He shouts.

"You better try, I'm pretty sure you remember the last time you and Delilah had a fight," I say looking at the healed scar on his neck.

Joshua closes his eyes and starts to mumble. "Ummmm! I think it was a Fred- Frederick! A Frederick Hathaway."

Not feeling a sharp pain through my chest, I stumble a bit. "Lies," I growl.

"I'm not lying! I swear! She said that she had to make sure he was okay because he was being found out, whatever that means. His last location was New Orleans!"

Joshua falls from the wall, and I feel the urge to vomit. Placing a hand over my mouth, I rush outside and hurl into the nearest dried up bush.

Delilah appears beside me in an instant. "Irina? Are you okay?"

"No," I chuckle. "That name, that's my father's name."

"But your mother said he died in an old war between werewolves and vampires. How can that be? Why would she lie?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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