Chapter One

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      Feeling pain starting to ripple through my body, I fall to the ground in pain. "Ahhhh!" I scream. Feeling the pain become more intense, I clutch my stomach. The blood in my body feels like lava erupting out a volcano. Sweat starts trickling down my face. The heat is so intense, I feel as if I was an ant and a magnifying glass was over my body getting light from the sun.

"What's going on?" Ezra asks appearing next to me before I knew it. "Is it the baby? Are you having a miscarriage?" He asks looking worried.

Feeling my blood starting to boil, I try to answer but only start crying out in pain. Feeling my bones starting to burn, I manage to ask, "What's going on? Ezra, what's happening to me?"

As the moon finally stops peaking from behind the thick clouds, I feel my body degree staring to rise even higher. Feeling the need to rip my hair out and claw at my body, I feel pain starting in my teeth and feel them grow. Opening my mouth, I do one thing I never thought I would do, in a million years. I growl.

Feeling my body soon cool, my footing comes back and I start standing up. Looking in my face, Ezra's mouth hangs opens as his eyes are bulged out. As is everyone's.

Looking down at my body, I feel powerful. Strong. As if I'm born anew. Looking to the full moon, I can feel a need to howl come from deep within me. Confusion starts rushing through my body as I think of all the possible scenarios of what just happen. Coming up with none, I look back at Ezra. Scratching my head, I do a small panicking chuckle as I try to think of anything other that what I'm thinking.

Finally finding my words, I ask, "What the hell just happen?"

Ezra looks at me with confusion, and finally says, "No. This can't be. How?"

"How what?" I ask confused myself.

Ezra walks off and starts to pace. "How? How? How?" He continuously asks himself, as each how becomes louder then the last.

Walking to him, I feel everyone staring at me in a weird way. Whispers start to erupt in the air.

"Ezra, what's going on? What just happened to me?"

"Who are your parents?" He asks looking at me with hard eyes.

"I-I-I don't know," I stumble. "I never met them. I was young. I don't remember anything about them."

"How are you a werewolf? What aren't you telling me?" He growls my way, offending me.

The wind blows hard, as if there has been a change in the wind. I scoff.

Shaking my head, I feel slightly disappointed in him. "How do I know you idiot? I don't know who I even am myself! I can't believe you."

LFeeling tears trying to force themselves out, I fight them back. Damn hormones.

"Then how can you be one? What am I missing?"

"When you find out, you let me know. Because I don't even want to be this, this, monster!" I say looking down at myself in discuss. Since I've been accustomed to their lifestyle, the only thing they do is kill to get there own way.

Seeing how Rick, Jake, and everyone else continues to look at me as if I was some kind of freak experiment, I turn around and start to run.

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