2. Those lips of his

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AN: DaveJohn request, enjoy!~


2. Those lips of his

John swallowed thickly as Dave crashed his hands loudly onto the wall on either side of his head. He was starting to wish he hadn't put on the others t-shirt as a prank.

It was scary. Staring at the seemingly emotionless face of his best friend, eyes hidden as usual behind the aviator sunglasses he had bought for him for his last birthday, trying to find out what the other was thinking.

John swallowed convulsively, feeling oh so small in Dave's broken record t-shirt and with the other looming over him.



Dave moved closer and John's eyes widened.

"W-what are you doing?" he squeaked.

Dave was now close enough that if either of them talked it would become John's freaking first kiss.

John couldn't help but think that it wouldn't be that bad to lose it to Dave before he suddenly realized what he had just thought and panicked.

'No homo, No Homo, NO HOMO!' he thought as his breath sped up.

A smirk tugged on Dave's lips and that was all the warning John got before he was pulled into a small and sweet kiss.

Despite how much John was supposed to be against it, he found his eyes fluttering closed and himself soon kissing back.

Dave ended up moving his hands down to John's waist to pull him closer and John whimpered before unconciously wrapping his own arms around Dave's neck.

John was shocked when he felt something soft and warm push against his lips and gasped in surprise only to moan as he felt what he now knew to be Dave's tongue wrap sensually around his own and begin to coax it into a battle of dominance.

It didn't take long for Dave to win and John found he didn't mind...just like he really didnt mind the fact he was now kissing Dave fucking Strider.

Once they were both unable to kiss any longer due to lack of breath, Dave pulled back and put his forhead against the others, sunglasses falling down his nose enough that John could see his vivid red eyes.

"So..what ya think of that Egderp?"

John blushed.

"I not a homosexual!" he blurted.

Dave raised an eyebrow and John bit his bottom lip nervously

"I just uh...really liked that."

Dave snorted with amusement.

"Oh s-shut up!"

With a smirk Dave leaned close again.


With that he kissed John again and John didnt even pause in returning it.

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