3. Things happen

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AN: Sollux<3 Eridan. It's in Eridan's pov, enjoy all.

3. Things happen.

Eridan wasn't having the best day. He had made some more black advances to his rival, but he wasn't as into it as usual. Maybe it was because.. well he really didn't feel red for Feferi anymore. He blamed it on her pushing him away, or maybe it was because every time they came near each other he felt calm, at peace, like he could be calmed down with just her voice.

He was falling pale for her again, and hard.

He also knew there was no way in Tartarus that she would take him back, and it hurt more than it should of. The jealousy.. the hatred.. for Sollux because he had taken her away when he had perused her in the red quadrant.. it was completely gone.

He felt hollow.

Walking into the small room he had found on his own on the meteor they were all stuck in, Eridan began to strip his clothes off until he was only in a pair of swimming shorts he hid under his gaudy clothing. He headed to the middle of the room, toward the tank filled with seawater, and climbed up to dive into it with quick and practiced movements.

He was about thirty minutes into his usual swimming routine when he heard a gasp and flipped around.

The red and blue eyes that he saw outside of the tanks were familiar.. familiar and scary. He panicked and swam back, away from the side the other was on, and fluttered both his earfins and gills as he stared wide eyed into the eyes of Sollux from the other side of the tank.

Silence.. it felt like an eternity before the other spoke.

"Tho thith ith where you go during random thpurth in time when we actually look for you."

Eridan frowned and let out a glub, unable to talk to Sollux from underwater.

A frown before Sollux moved even closer to the glass, causing Eridan to tense up.

"I can't tell if you can hear me or not."

Eridan's left earfin twitched, but he stayed silent, not even giving a glub to show he could hear what the other was saying.

"I gueth telling you would bee a good idea. FF thaid it would be better to jutht thay tho."

Eridan's eyes narrowed as he swam closer, this seemed to make Sollux feel more brave as he continued.

"FF and I aren't red, we're pale."

The bubbles of surprise that left Eridan's mouth at that admittance showed Sollux that the other was indeed listening and could hear him. He paused, looking unsure, before continuing on.

"The reathion I never gave into your black advantheth ithnt becathe i dont like you ED. Ith becathe I dont hate you."

Eridan scoffed, the other had made that obvious on lots of occasions, loudly in some.

"Ith becathe I have a fluth cruth on you."

His breath left him, he could do nothing but stare in shock at Sollux from on the other side of the glass. The other looked nervous.. shifting from one foot to the other and.. holy shit.. is that a blush?

"I underthtand if you dont feel the thame. In Fact I know you do-"

As Sollux continued to blab, expecting denial and even more hatred, Eridan was thinking. Thinking long and hard. What did he feel towards the yellowblood now? He wasn't sure.. but he had a feeling he could find out if he tried something rather drastic.

He swam up, amused to find that Sollux didn't notice he had moved, and got out of the tank. Water still dripping down his body, he walked down the steps up to the tank until he was standing behind Sollux, surprisingly quiet. Once there, he chewed on his lips in thought. Should he do it.

A quick breath through his nose, and he decided he had nothing to lose.

He grabbed Sollux's shoulders and spun the taller troll to face him. Sollux barely had time to widen his dual colour eyes before Eridan stood up on his toes and a pair of lips were suddenly on his own.

It took little time for Eridan to realized he liked it, but since there was no reaction from the other, he decided to pull back.

Sollux decided that he would move then.

He brought his left hand to tangle into the back of Eridan's wet hair, not letting him escape and deepening the kiss. Eridan's eyes widens and Sollux brought his right arm around his waist to bring him closer, nipping on the others lips lightly as he pushed his tongue against them.

Eridan's vascular pump sped to a speed he didn't know was possible, his eyes sliding shut as he brought his own arms up to wrap around Sollux's neck. As he tangled his hands in the others hair, he parted his lips and was swept away by a sensual tongue that was, surprisingly enough, split down the middle.

They broke the kiss sometime later, gasping for breath. Sollux laid their forheads together and gave a slightly nervous grin before speaking in a raspy manner.

"Doeth that mean you feel the thame?"

As Eridan thought about how nice that had been, about how many times he had tried to get Sollux's attention, and about his rapidly beating pumper, he decided he did.


Sollux opened his mouth to speak when Eridan grinned and his earfins flutter up and out. The glub he couldn't hold in spewing from his lips and gills.

Sollux blinked, before letting out a laugh.

"That wath adorable ED."

"It is not!"

As Eridan and he began to playfully argue, Eridan couldn't help but think he had made the right decision.

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