8 - Christmas Eve

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I opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the green room around me. Memories of last night flooded into my mind, warming me right down to my toes.

I turned my head to look at the beautiful blonde haired boy sleeping peacefully next to me, his arms wrapped around my body, holding me close. Love and affection filled me to my very core. I felt I could stay like this forever.

"Morning, beautiful," he mumbled, his voice hoarse with sleep.

His eyelids fluttered opened and I felt like I could drown in his silver grey eyes as they stared lovingly into mine. I reached out to touch his pale white cheek. This was my heaven. He was my heaven.

"Morning," I smiled, wriggling my body closer to his. His arms tightened around me as I pressed myself up against him. Pleasure coursed through my veins as I felt every inch of him.

"It's Christmas Eve," he murmured, his breath tickling my ear. "And I've often wondered, what does the Slytherin Princess do on Christmas Eve?"

I nuzzled into his neck, kissing the spot above his collarbone. I felt his breath hitch and he trembled ever so slightly.

"I wouldn't mind making new traditions this year," I whispered silkily, my lips now brushing his jawline.

"That sounds like a fine plan to me," he growled, flipping me on to my back.


We decided to spend the afternoon in Diagon Alley, both of us needing to do some Christmas shopping.

I couldn't help but breathe a small sigh of relief as we left the confines of the Manor. As much as I loved being with Draco, there was something about that place that made me feel uncomfortable. Too many memories. And then there was his mother.

I had no intention of stepping foot in that room where she lay dying. I loved Draco with everything I had, but there were some things even I couldn't bring myself to do.

We walked down the cobbled street, his hand clasped tightly in mine. The place had changed since I was last here. Gone were the derelict, abandoned shops, lined with beggars and wandless wizards. Gone were the wanted posters of Harry's face glaring out at passers by.

It was a happy place again. Christmas lights and decor adorned the shops and buildings, making everyone giddy with festive cheer. A choir, grouped in a row outside the Leaky Cauldron, filled our ears with hauntingly beautiful music.

I squeezed Draco's hand in pleasure as snowflakes started to fall around us, coating our cloaks in specks of glistening white.

"Rosie!" I turned towards the familiar voice and smiled at the grinning red haired girl running towards us.

"Ginny!" I let go of Draco's hand to wrap her in a tight hug.

"How's your Christmas going?" She asked, as we broke apart, her sparkling eyes momentarily darting to Draco over my shoulder.

I stepped back taking Draco's hand back in mine, caressing his knuckles with my thumb.

"It's been... good, so far," I smiled up at Draco, whose eyes wearily met mine.

"Carter's making it somewhat bearable," he drawled, his eyes glinting slightly, never leaving mine.

Heat rushed to my cheeks and I wrinkled my nose in embarrassment.

I was aware of Ginny shuffling her feet uncomfortably.

"Umm, so I'm meeting Ron and Hermione in the Leaky Cauldron later, would you two like to join us?"

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