3 - The Sofa

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"Stay with me tonight."

Draco had grabbed Rosie's hand as she started to rise from the sofa.

"Don't go in there, I've missed you."

Theo had been correct, much to Draco's chagrin. He no longer had his own room, and he couldn't bear the thought of being away from Rosie another night after spending a whole summer apart.

Rosie sank back down next to him, kissing him on the nose.

"How could I ever say no to that," she grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck. He took the opportunity to catch her lips in his own, pulling her tightly against his chest.

Once the last Slytherin had disappeared to their dormitory, Draco and Rosie kicked off their shoes and robes and lay down in each others arms on the large sofa in front of the fire.

"Mmmm," Draco murmured into her ear. "I've missed you."

He wrapped himself tighter around her, wishing he could have more of her. His need and desire for her overwhelmed him. He nuzzled his face in her dark wavy hair, sighing deeply as he inhaled her scent.

"I've missed you, too," she whispered, tilting her face up to brush her lips against his.

Draco's hand stroked the length of her body as he intensified the kiss. He felt her shudder as his fingers found her bare skin in the space where her shirt had risen above her skirt. Her reaction had driven him crazy, and his hand now started pulling her top up further, wanting to feel more of her.

"Draco," she gasped, her eyes flying open.

"I'm sorry," he murmured huskily, "I just can't help myself when I'm around you."

She smiled, cupping her hand across his cheek. "I want you too, believe me. But what if someone walks in?"

Draco sighed in frustration at their situation. He didn't know how he could go a whole year without being able to make love to Rosie. He physically ached for her.

"You have no idea what you do to me, Rosie," he growled.

"Well I guess we'll have to get more creative in future then," her blue eyes twinkled mischievously.

Draco chuckled, pulling her in for another kiss. "I'll hold you to that, Carter."

Rosie pulled back, her eyes wide in mock surprise.

"It's been a long time since you've called me that, Malfoy."

"Must be something about being back on this sofa," Draco smirked, looking back towards the fire. The memories of his early encounters with Rosie dancing on his mind.

"I never thanked you," he continued, his voice now quieter, soft.

"Thanked me for what?" Rosie asked, burying her head on his chest, her eyes now on the flickering flames too.

"For being there for me, for being the only one who understood." He went silent as his thoughts went back to the Cabinet. "I could never have got through that year without you."

Rosie lifted her head and turned her gaze on him. Her fierce blue eyes pierced into his.

"Draco," she said solemnly. "You don't need to thank me. I wanted to reach out to you. None of what you went through was your fault. You do understand that, don't you?"

Draco felt such a sudden rush of love for this beautiful Slytherin girl lying on top of him that he couldn't help but kiss her fiercely, his lips pressing hungrily against hers as though they could give him life.

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