Europa - Queen Of Failure

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Brian Kayser, 44 years old.  I live in Holt, Michigan, USA (that is near Lansing – the capital). 

I started writing only a few years ago (maybe 3 or 4, I don’t recall).  A cousin of mine published a scifi book and I thought to myself, hell, I could do that!  I came up with a concept about time travel that I think is unique and so I started writing a few pages and thought it was cool, but being busy it wasn’t progressing very fast.  Sometimes months would pass without even opening the Word document.  I would go in spurts. 

I happened upon Wattpad only a few months ago and figured I’d give it a-go.  I took the prologue of my time-travel book, which was way too long for a prologue anyhow;  and I figured I’d post it as a short story.  The problem was the ending was abrupt and would have left readers feeling empty.  So I decided to add some more to it to improve the ending.  Before I knew it my 15,000 word prologue became a 40,000+ word book with and went from 12 chapters to 24 (25 if you count the Epilogue.)  Now I plan to also self-publish it on – what the hell, I’ll give it a shot anyhow.  My favorite genre is SciFi for sure!  Always loved it.  I have to admit I’m more of a SciFi TV/Movie fan than books (I guess they are a quick fix vs. the investment of a book).  I did recently finish Steven King’s mammoth SciFi book 11/22/63.  I read that on the Kindle.   I recently saw it in the library and was amazed at how BIG it was.  I also loved 2001 a space odyssey book.  I also like John Grisham books (A time to kill, The Innocent Man, The Firm).

I’ve been busy writing so I haven’t read a ton of Wattpad material.  Although I am almost finished with my first Wattpad fan’s book by@SeriousMoonlight called “Something Lost.”  It is seriously amazing and she is an amazing writer – better than me!  Once I’m done tweaking my current book for publication I plan on going back and reciprocating some of my best fans by reading their material.  


Most people know I'm a Sci Fi fan. And If anyone fans me I like to check out what they've wrote and I was delighted when I found that Brian had wrote a book that was so up my street. Now some books I devour and others I take my time with, as I like to prolong the experience and this is one of those.

It's another pure escapism book for me, the characters are wonderful and the action that he writes, has my heart in my mouth. You desperately want the characters to come out on top of what can only be described as a difficult mission. The information and detailed writing he's done, show how well he's thought out his plot. Not to mention that he's done his background work too, which he has my ultimate respect for. That an author who's dedicated to his work and wants to present it with the upmost integrity.

If I don't see this wonderful book in paperback I will be shocked and disappointed. Authors of this calibre don't happen often.


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