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I heard someone walking up the porch stairs as I ran everywhere trying to find somewhere to put the pot and I needed to make some new sauce. The front door opened, it was mom. I scrambled around trying to hide the pot and not be seen.

"Lilly, what are you doing?" Mom asked and put her hands on her hips.

I had to make a quick desicion, to tell her the truth or lie.

"Well," I started. "I came out of the bathroom and all I could smell was burning so I ran into the kitchen and the spaghetti sauce was burning so I turned off the burner and I threw the pot into some cold water and it made a loud pop noise." I said as fast as I could and held out the pot.

"Oh my god! Don't worry sweety, that was my fault because I wasnt watching the food. And we all know how bad of a cook you are!" Mom laughed.

"Hey! Eventhough thats true, you only know how to make three meals that arent pre-made!" I said.

"But I know how to use an oven." Mom slyly said.

"Touché" I squinted my eyes.

I knew I wouldnt be eating spaghetti tonight so I grabbed a pizza pocket and warmed it up in the microwave. Once the pizza pocket was done in the microwave, I grabbed it and went to my room. I threw my phone on my bed. I set my pizza pocket on my side table and I backed away from the bed. I got a running start and jumped on my bed. It hit the wall with a loud thump noise. I rounded up all my things and I grabbed my laptop. Right as I opened my laptop Maz was trying to skype me. I accepted the call and Maz's face had makeup smeared all over her face.

"Oh my god, whats wrong?" I asked.

"My parents just told me and my siblings that the were getting a divorce." Maz cried.

"Oh noes!" I gasped.

"Just kidding!" Maz started to laugh.

"That wasnt funny! They are basicly my parents."

"I know and that is funny!"

"Your a shit." I said and I ended the skype call.

Urg! Maz is being really annoying right now!

Then another skype call came up. I didnt reconize the name. The persons name was RxIxLxExYxLxOxWxE. I answered the skype call. It was Riley!!! I was so baffled.

"Hey babe." Riley said and bit his lip.

I muted my mic and dissabled my camera and started to hyperventilate. I didn't know what to do. Should I end the call or keep it going?

"Hello? Lilly? Are you there?" Riley asked me.

I turned my camera back on, smiled then ended the call. I couldnt stand talking to him right now, I'm so nervous! I closed my laptop and grabbed my book. I was reading Looking for Alaska by John Green. It is such an awesome book. After about two hours I put down my book and fell asleep.

*The next day*

I woke up to the horrible sunlight in my eyes. I squirmed like I was a vampire that is allergic to it. My door opened and I heard Bryce's annoying voice yelling at me. I just tuned him out. I grabbed my phone and Riley texted me.

Riley: So, you are still coming to meet up?

Me: Yep.

Riley: Meet me there right now.

Me: Kk, give me a minute to get ready

Riley: See ya there babe! ;)

I looked Bryce in the eyes.

"Go the fuck away." I yelled at Bryce.

"Don't give me that tone Lilly!" Bryce snapped.

I gave him a death glare and he stepped out of my room slowly. I got up out of my bed and put on my grey over the shoulder shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and some greyish coloured combat boots. I looked at myself in my mirror. I was looking swag as fuck. I fixed my dark brown hair to look good and I took a quick selfie. I grabbed my bag and I headed to meet up with Riley.

I looked around for Riley. I stepped into the playground area and I could feel rocks moving around under my feet. I walked over to the swing set and sat down. I wonered if I was at the wrong park or something so I texted Riley.

Me: Riley, where are you?

Riley: I am here im making my way to you, I see you now.

I looked around and I finally found Riley. He waved at me and I waved back. I was so nervous to actually talk to him. As Riley waked towards me he put his hand through his hair as if a hair fell out of his perfectly formed dirty blonde quiff but he just made it look better. He makes me frustrated. He is so hot but he probably doesnt even know my name. I actually think Maz is right.

"Hey babe." Riley smiled and put his hand through his hair once again.

"Hey." I sheepishly said and smiled at him.

Riley sat down on the swing beside me. I was freaking out on the inside and trying to keep calm and collected on the outside. We just swung there for a few minutes until Riley pulled something out of his pocket. It was a little, beautifly wrapped gift.

"Since it is was your birthday, I got you this gift." Riley handed me the gift.

It was wrapped in purple wrapping paper with a white ribbion bow on the top. The name tag read: To: Babe From: Riley.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled and carefully ripped the paper.

Inside, there was a note that read: Look behind you ;). So, I looked behind me. I saw all of the football players and cheerleaders. They all had a handful of something and they started throwing the things that were in their hands at me. They were rocks. The rocks pelted me, it felt like I was getting shot with a gun. I covered my face so no rocks would hit me in the eyes. I fell off the swing and I lay on the ground. I looked up and one of the cheerleaders was standing over me. She gave me and evil smirk and stated kicking me in the stomach. With every kick I could feel an excroucheating pain in my body. While the one cheerleader was kicking me another one stood above me.

"If you tell anyone it was us who did this to you, we will have you killed." She said. "Understand?"

I nodded my head and tears were running down my face like a waterfall.

"Good." She said.

Everyone huddled around me. They stared at me for a moment then started laughing. I just lay there in the fetal position crying my eyes out. I have no idea why they do this to me. I haven't done anything to them. They have always just hated me.

They laughed as I tried to get up off the ground but I couldn't. I was too hurt.

All the teens turned around and started walking away, as if nothing happened. I couldn't move. My body wouldn't let me. I remembered my iphone was in my jean pocket. I reached for it but my hand wouldn't grasp onto the phone. I pushed the phone out of my pocket using my index finger and scooched it in front of my face. I looked at my arm and it was covered in black bruises and red marks. I unlocked my iphone and went to my contacts. I scrolled through them and I chose the name 'Mom'. The phone rang and I put it on speaker.

"Hello?" Mom's voice was quiet.
"Hi, mom." My voice was weak. "Can you come get me, I'm at the school"
"Honey what happened?" I could tell mom was worried.
I didn't say anything. Silence filled the playground.
"I'm coming to get you Lilly!" Mom hung up.

I lay in the rocks with my arms on my stomach and my legs pulled into my body as far as they could. I hurt, all over. I saw people walking by. No one stopped to see if I was ok, they just kept walking. A minute later my mom's car pulled into the school's parking lot. She scrambled to get out of the car and ran over to me.

"Lilly? Lilly!" My mom screamed.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. My body felt too weak to even speak. My vision started to get darker, and darker, and darker. Then suddenly it was all black.

"LILLY!" Was the last thing I heard.

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