Chapter 3: Deception Revealed

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Monday at Glee club practice:

"OK guys, we've got one week until Regionals, we need to come up with a theme and finalize our set list." Will stated to the group. He soon noticed however, that Scott looked sad and depressed. Marley also noticed that as well. Even Kitty and Spencer noticed that something was up with him. "Scott you OK?" Will asked. "No." Scott said, tears beginning to form in his eyes. "I can't take this anymore. I have something I have to tell all of you guys." Scott said, beginning to stand up. "This could be the last time Glee club participates in any show choir competition." "What are you talking about?" Jake asked. "I had to make a deal with Sue Sylvester. I did it in order to try and get Kitty re-instated on the Cheerios, and to have her get off our backs for good." "Bottom line, if we win at Regionals, IF we win, Kitty gets re-instated to the Cheerios, Bree gets expelled from the school, and Sue will get off our backs." Scott explained. "What if we lose however?" Madison asked. "If we lose, the Glee club will be forced to disband." Scott replied with tears starting to form in his eyes. A look of shock washed over several of the faces of the Glee club members especially Marley & Spencer. "Why would you make that bet with Sue?" Unique asked. "I didn't do it alone." Scott replied. "What?!" Marley yelled. "Who else was in on this?" Spencer demanded. "Me." Will said. "I knew about this. All I said to Sue was to give Kitty a chance to earn her spot back, and she ended up conning her way into a scheme to take us all down. It was my fault guys. I never should have confronted her." "No Mr. Schue, it's all my fault. I should have just taken your advice and not said anything, but I couldn't just let Kitty suffer. I just wanted to help. I thought I was doing the right thing, but now all I see is that I've only made things worse." Scott said with a look of shame on his face. "If you guys hate me for what I've done, I don't blame any of you. That's why I'm not going to be participating at Regionals." "What?!" The Glee club all shouted at once. "I quit." Scott said, walking out.

Some of the Glee club members had looks of shock and disbelief on their faces as Scott walked out sniffling and tears starting to form in his eyes. "Scott..No." Kitty said breaking down, then burying her face in her hands. Marley came over to comfort her girlfriend, embracing her in a huge hug. Spencer got up and soon tried to catch up with Scott. "Where are ya going Spence?" Jake asked. "I'm going to give Scott a reality check." Spencer said, and he went to try and find Scott. 

"Look guys, he only did this for his sister. He only wanted to try and make things right. He had no idea Sue was going to con him into putting the Glee club on the line. I backed him on this, because I trust him." Will explained. "Look, I get if you guys don't trust him anymore, but understand this, he didn't do it for himself, he did it for his sister, because he said family is the most important thing to him right now; Put yourself in his shoes: Would you have done the same thing for a sibling or a family member?" Will asked. "I would do anything for my Mom." Marley replied. "I'd do anything for my brother." Madison said. "I'd do anything for you." Mason said. "I'd do anything for my mom." Jake said. "I'd do anything for my dad." Ryder said. "I'd do anything to help my brother." Kitty said. "He needs our help, like I needed his. Him coming back into my life and joining the Glee club was the best thing that ever happened to me, other than starting a relationship with you Marley. Please, guys, we can't let him leave. We can't win Regionals without him." Kitty said crying. "He once said, that you only get one chance in life, but he always believes everyone deserves a second chance. So Kitty and I are begging you all, please give him a second chance." Marley said, tears forming in her eyes as well.

"I suppose you're right." Jake said. "We better stop him before he does something rash." Marley said. "We don't even know where he would go." Joe said. "I do." Kitty said. "Marley, where's the one place where you go if you're feeling down?" "Right, the auditorium! "We all need to get there now!" "Let's move it people." Will stated as the entire Glee club chased after Scott and Spencer.

Where did Scott go? Will Spencer and the Glee club catch up to him in time?

Quite the cliffhanger isn't it? Read on to the next chapter and find out what happens next!!!

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