Chapter Six: Violence At The Front Door

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Luke climbed up the stairs of the apartment block, most of it was wooden and drifty. It was old and needed work done on it. He counted the numbers, door by door, each five feet from each other. One....two...three..
He counted those on the right too, he had to climb more steps. It was horrible, if he had been landlord, he'd had put in and elevator by now. Nine, ten, eleven... There it was, apartment number twelve. Three stories up, and the last before another flight of stairs. He caught his breath, knocking on the door. He knocked until it swung open ajar. There stood beady brown eyes and a fringe of black hair. Calum.

"Can we talk?" Luke said, he was outta breath. Calum nodded and opened the door, not saying a word. He guided Luke toward the kitchen in which he had already poured a glass of juice.

"Thirsty?" Calum asked.

"Sure," Luke wheezed. "I'm sorry to disturb you or-"

"You're not, I was actually coming to see you." Calum said. Luke paused, his eyes on Calum's hands pouring the yellow liquid into a glass."I got a call today. Michael. He asked me if I'd heard from you and if I knew you well. Sounded pretty cold." Calum said without emotion. Luke put a hand on the cup, cold and condensate vapours poured from the sides.

"He called me, but I wasn't home. His number was private and I can't get it. He hasn't replied to my letters." Luke said. Calum shook his head, walking over to a drawer by the kitchen counter. He kicked it's leg and banged its surface and out slid the drawer. He picked up a stack of letters. He flicked through them. And didn't say anything.

"Wh-- what's that?" Luke said. Calum shook his head. He threw the bundle of letters at Luke's chest. Picking them up, Luke saw the address. They were all to him.

"Calum, these are my read my mail?"

"Didn't you read mine?" Calum said.

"That's different--"

"Oh, it is, is it?" Calum snarled, "You see Luke, I've been talking to Michael and ever since you started talking to him he hasn't shut up about running away. He moved away to get peace of mind. You gonna fuck that up for him?"

Luke gripped the letters tightly, he was angered. He grit his teeth, looking down and then back up at Calum. "You went through my letter box, just because you couldn't bare the fact that Michael knows what he wants."

"It doesn't matter what he wants, Luke. It's what's best for him." Calum replied.

"How do you know that this could be good for him. Are you that blind that you couldn't see how unhappy he was?" Luke asked, "Is someone peeing in your morning coffee, or are you just that stupid?"

Calum walked toward Luke rather fast, putting a finger to his chest,

"I think I know what's good for him, I've known him for eight years." He poked Luke's chest. Luke smiled and shook his head.

"You know what's best for him, but you lie and scheme to get what you want. I guess I missed that part in the friendship hand book." Luke said, he pushed Calum away from him, into a stereo cabinet. Calum retaliated, hitting Luke in the shoulder.

"Fuck off, mate. You don't know him like I do, and if you think that you're gonna take him away from me, think again. Because it isn't happening. Not now, not ever." Calum shouted.

"Pssh." Luke remarked as he lightly tapped the back of his hand on Calum's warm face.

"You don't scare me." Luke said, squeezing Calum's nose, Calum struck his fist against Luke's face, He winced and groaned. He picked his foot up and swept the black haired boy into a nearby glass coffee table, it shattered underneath him, thankfully he was unharmed and saved by a stack of magazines underneath which broke his fall. Luke walked away, grabbing the letters off the bench top he walked toward the front door, opening it. As he finally walked through the frame something sharp and wet hit his shoulder. Calum had thrown the tall glass of juice at the frame, it shattered and fell to the floor, some embedded in Luke's left shoulder. He looked back, picking them out, cutting his fingers, he flicked the sharp tiny pieces away.

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