275 $uicide

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"I'm glad to see you're finally movin' on."

"What're you talking about?" I shifted my eyes to look at Ally in the drivers seat, her neck covered in marks from the red head.

"I figured since you n' Scott hooked up last night it means you're over Tucker," her eyebrows raised as I stared at her, confused. "Did you not know his name?"

I held my head in my hands, letting out a deep sigh. My head hurt, flashes of the night before kept crossing my mind. The blond's pupils dilating after popping some molly, sharing his codeine with me as I took my own capsule.

He never told me his name, or maybe he did, I was too focused on his touch to remember. He had felt like a god, leaving bites up my thighs, the trail still bruised into my skin. It had only been two weeks since my break up, only one week since I'd moved to New Orleans, and I was already in some other dudes bed.

"How'd you even know?"

"Me n' Kayla went into the room next to yours. Y'all weren't exactly quiet."

I groaned, "Its only been two weeks, am I a hoe now?"

"If you're a hoe, ionno what that makes me."

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

★彡 ★彡 ★彡

Three hours had passed in the city, yet I only had two applications in my hands. Everywhere said they weren't hiring, that I wouldn't be a good fit. Could I say I was surprised? All I'd done in Seattle was work coffee stands, and New Orleans doesn't have a lot of those.

I stepped into the last business I was gonna try, the smell of baked goods and home cooked meals greeting me.

It was a small diner, white and black tiled floor, dark red booths, pale blue walls, each covered in pictures and signatures of famous people who'd eaten there. I made my way to the bar, preparing to deal with yet another rejection.

"Hey there sweet heart."

I perked up at the gentle voice, belonging to the larger black woman who came from the kitchen. She was probably in her early forties, wearing an apron over her dress that matched the blue walls.

"Hi, I was wondering if you were hiring?"

★彡 ★彡 ★彡

The hot air made it feel impossible to complete the one and a half mile walk to Ally's apartment, well, now mine as well. But I had to, Ally had the car all day, and I wasn't able to buy one yet.

I was a quarter of the way there when I heard a car pull up beside me and keep pace with me. I ignored them, picking up my speed a little bit more.

"Aye, shawty!" A familiar voice yelled.

I sighed and turned, seeing the blond, Scott, from two nights before.

"You need a ride baby?"

He opened the door for me from the inside, allowing me to slide into the front seat of his corvette. I saw the glint of the steel from a gun peaking out the top of his basketball shorts, which he quickly adjusted his black shirt to cover.

I gave him the directions, the ride silent other than the loud music he was playing. We pulled up to the curb and he stopped his car.

"Thanks for the ride," I smiled, and he looked at me as though he wanted something. "Uh, do you wanna come in?"

He smiled, and hopped out, locking the vette and shoving his keys in his pockets. My hands shook as I unlocked the door and the deadbolt, shaking my head a little bit, trying to get over the nerves. I didn't like him, he was just good at fucking. Right?

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